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I was barely listening to the debate going on between Mrs Baker and Lukas.

"He is too young. I'm not risking his life any further." She said.

"He can do nothing and his life would still be at risk." Lukas said

"We can reinforce security and keep him safe." Lois said, looking genuinely worried for my wellbeing.

"Trust me. The way things are, I don't think he will be safe even in a Swiss bank vault." Lukas replied.

"So you would rather he go out there and fight these powerful enemies?" She said, taking a seat and removing her glasses.

"No. We can't just charge in there guns blazing." Lukas said "We have to be patient."

"So we are still going to do nothing for now." I said, making both of them turn to me. I went on "Alexander said these people are potentially dangerous to everyone in the world."

"Well we don't know where they are anyway, we need to gather Intel and get ready." Lukas said

"You don't have to do anything you don't want to do Savio." Mrs Baker said,

"I know.I won't do anything till we know-"

The entire house was rocked by an explosion. "What was that?" Mrs Baker asked, getting up from where she was thrown.

"I don't know." Lukas said, pulling out his weapons from his bag, "But I have a feeling we are about to find out." he handed Mrs Baker a 9mm pistol, and she held it like she had some past experience with weapons and woes.

"I'll go ahead and check it all out." I said. I appeared on the roof and saw what had caused the explosion; a couple of men dressed in black were headed in our direction and one was reloading his Rocket launcher.

I appeared back in the study and told them what I had seen. Mrs Baker brought out her phone and called Henry "Let's go on the defensive." She said "Shields."

I noticed that a few attackers ran into a sort of invisible wall outside the mansion.

"That won't keep them all out." Lukas said "Some will simply teleport past it."

"I know." She said "But this way their forces are reduced and we can take them."

Henry ran into the room, carrying a shotgun and an assault rifle "We don't have time." he said "Savio you have to get Elyon out of here. Go to Ander's or something."

I nod and teleport out of the room, I arrive in front of Elyon's door (Because I don't want to jump in and create an extremely awkward situation.) "Elyon we have to get out of here. It isn't safe."

I am about to knock when I hear a scream from her room "ELYON!!" I teleport right in, abandoning all protocol. When I get in, I notice the signs of a struggle; a broken mirror, a shattered vase, and her books and iPod lying on the floor too. In the midst of this turmoil, I notice a single piece of paper with a language I didn't know.

I ran out of the room and I noticed that most of the fighting had stopped and the attackers had retreated. I went down to the study, where Lois and Henry were standing. "I found this in her room, she's gone." I said, handing Henry the paper.

"This is Greek." Henry said "I'm not too good at reading it."

"But I am." Lukas said, coming into the study with a bloody arm.

"Lukas your arm." Lois said, her expression unchanged.

"I'll handle it." he said "Let me see the note."

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