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Sand. The desert people of Id'ea, the most powerful empire in the known world, feared sand. The wind in the Id'ean desert was unusually strong and the dwellers were gearing up for the windiest day since the beginning of the month. The id'eans were nothing if not superstitious; wind meant sand storms and within these storms were the Var, sand spirits that devoured the flesh and organs clean off anyone who dared to walk through, leaving only their bones.

Or so the stories say; most mothers told this to their children to keep them from daring to go out and play on days of the storm.

The great Id'ean city of Charias, built by Sargonn,the first lord of the raiders, served as the capital of the empire. It was the most impressive architectural feat since the tower of Babel years ago. There were fortifications and anti-siege ballistae on every wall and guards were on patrol every hour of the day.

The raiders lived in a somewhat equalitarian society, although some people were more equal than others;The lower provinces of the city were left to the less equal citizens of Id'ea. This province served as home to the warriors, archers, scouts and their families. Merchants passing through the city also had to stay in the lowers, unless they were wealthy enough to pay for nights in the stay-houses in the Uppers. The wealthiest in the city lived in the upper province, buildings made from the finest materials, their servants enjoyed what left-overs they were given after all the constant parties thrown after the successful raids of all areas surrounding the Id'ean Empire.

Higher still, with a stunning view of the entire city of Charias, was the royal palace, built in the most beautiful way possible; every single stone intricately carved to perfection by the best stone Masons, the palace had a ship like bird's nest view point, from where a single guard could spot incoming danger from miles away.

The largest rooms were the kings bedroom, and of course the throne room. Centuries of Id'ean history had been inscribed on the walls in the throne room; from the crossing of the Cythian Sea to the first invasion of the settlers by Lord Dakuri Ekiane, other stories included the war of the twelve lords. After that depiction was the unification of all the raider tribes by Ar'nell Pellrima, which led to years of prosperity in the Id'ean Empire.

Sand storm days like this meant most people would stayed within the high walls of the city, save a few warriors patrolling the streets. Activities were minimal, at least until the scholars declared it safe to come out. In the depths of the sand storm a camel was being pulled by a man in a hooded cloak.

The first time the hooded man arrived in the city, the people said there was this different energy, like it felt like he did not belong. The hooded man did not seem to be affected by swirling sand storm around him, When he finally reached the gates, a guard at the top looked down,

"State your business,"he shouted in ld'ean, barely audible over the wind.

The man with the camel shouted back "King Augus requests my presence." Taking of the hood, the guard now recognised him

"Welcome back." the guard said.

The man walked through the gates, handed his camel over to a guard and started running towards the palace;running past the messenger sent to deliver the message to him, he already knew. He finally reached the palace and ran to the room where the wailing of a woman was coming from, tempered by encouragements from other women; the midwives.

In front of the room, Lord Derrahn was pacing nervously .When he noticed the other man he walked towards him and shook his hand "Kad mi-el Tenar, my friend, how was the journey?"

"Good, although the sand storm was a bit much"

"You could just tell me if it is a boy or a girl you know." he said

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