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I love stealth.

It saves us from unnecessary confrontation.

But apparently Boreas didn't agree with me.

I heard gunshots over the earpiece.

"What's happening."

"We seem to have run into a problem." Boreas said "No. Make that two."

"Well you guys hold them off."

"Sure. I don't think Elyon is in here though."

"Which means she is nearer to us."

I ran at the guard in front of the door ahead of me; I jumped over him, grabbed his head and hit it on the wall.

He crumpled to the floor.

I spoke into my mouthpiece "Ander. Door."

I felt some sort of negative energy coming from the room behind the door.The door clicked open "You're welcome." Ander said "Now hurry up and save gummy-bear."

"Gummy bear?"

"I don't have time to explain relationship dynamics. Go!!"

I ran into the room; it was filled with cells. "Elyon." I said into the darkness.

After a few seconds of silence, someone spoke in an unfamiliar accent "I wonder how you can sleep through your own jailbreak Ely."

Then I heard a voice and relief washed through me "Took you long enough."

I smiled as Elyon walked towards the prison bars. "I'm so happy to see you."

"Let's get you out." I said

I appeared inside the cell, grabbed her and teleported out. "Don't forget the other inmate, thank you very much." the voice said.

I jumped into her cell too and pulled her out, I finally got to see the person I was rescuing; She was about 5 ft 7, with flowing black hair that was in a ponytail behind her. Her eyes were dark brown and she was giving me a weird face.

"If you're done observing the prisoner," said "Thanks. I'm Memphis."

"Just Memphis." Elyon piped in.

"The name is-"

"Savio Pell- Coates." Memphis said, correcting herself.

I was shocked by her knowing my real name; and she also tried to hide it. "Let's move."

We ran out of the room and when we got to where Henry was waiting for me, he turned. He hugged Elyon "Thank goodness you're okay child."

"Aww, Henry all soft and mushy." Elyon said

"No time for all that now-" I was interrupted by the sounds of boots running down the stairs. "Let's go."

We were about to run out the door when four guards broke in; we turned to run the other way but that path was also blocked.

I knew that I couldn't take everyone with me yet; my abilities were still not at full burst. Which meant that I had to stay and protect Elyon.

We were sorrounded.


"No!!" I said "We can't leave yet."

"He said to leave as soon as we could." Ater said.

"Well you can leave then." I said "I'm not going anywhere."

I sat down on the ground and dropped my gear. "I guess I have to stay and protect my little sister." Ater said

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