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I was blind.

No me as in my eyes were out.

The cameras were gone,destroyed.

I connected back to the Onyx Corp satellite to try view the city. I raised live images of the energy data of the city; They was an intense rise in the levels but they were slowly reducing.

She's doing it.


Big guns don't usually absorb blasts.

But this big gun was.

I used all the information Ander had given me to try create something similar. I closed my eyes and imagined a void, absorbing all the light and energy in its presence.

The explosion came in and I willed it into existence; I know right, creating anything with just my thought sounds easy, but it is not; I channeled my desperation, my will to save this city, all my fears, hopes and dreams for a future without all this chaos and suffering.

The explosion began to expand, but was taken in by the quantum black hole, or at least what I thought it was. I tried to hold on to the hole long enough for the energy from the bomb to be absorbed into the hole.

But I could only do so much, I was thrown off by the vast force and hit my back on one of the pillars of the Arc.

Before I went unconcious the last thing I saw was the hole disappearing, leaving just a destroyed city centre. I had saved everyone.

I blacked out.


I hugged Ater.

"I've missed you too, my friend." I said "But there's no time. Where is Asena."

"Let's run." He said "I'll tell you everything later."

We ran towards Asena, we were almost too late. Ater and I got to the scene in time to see A dark haired boy in a fight with the Aeslor; he was fast and very impressive. "Who is that?"

"Darius Rannr of Ñærias." Ater said.

"Oh." I said. I scanned the area for Asena. Ater and I saw her at the same time, lying on the ground. We ran to her and Ater carried her. She turned to me. "Kerös," She said, her words barely making it out "You came back."

"I did," I said "I'm here, hold on Asena."

She placed something in my hand "Stop them." She closed her eyes.

I looked to Ater "Take her to the infirmary." I said " I'll be with you soon."

I turned to face the Aeslor. Darius was doing a good job; I wondered if it could take on both of us. I pulled out my trident and jumped at it. I landed on its back and struck at the eyes, creating a hole. Darius was surprised initially but he forced a small jar into hole. "Get off and run."he said, jumping away.

I followed suit and the Aeslor screeched, but it was cut off by its destruction. Darius was already running in Ater's direction.

I ran after him and we arrived at the infirmary. The place smelled like death. People were lying in cots arranged in rows,injuries of all sorts on display. We ran through till we found Ater. "Ater what is it?" I asked, though I already knew.

"The Aeslor struck her with its claws, the poison is too far into her body. " he said, he eyes tearing up "She will not make it."

We entered the tent and looked at Asena; She was very pale, her breathing barely noticeable.

Darius looked enraged, "have you sent for your father?"

"Yes." Ater said.

"I'll go get him."

Darius ran off to look for Chethar.

"Stay here." I told Ater "I have to go pit an end to this."

I shifted to the thick of the battle and ran through the warriors, looking for my father. I saw him and I flipped over the first fighter in my way, using the bottom of the trident to hit his helmet. He crumpled to the ground. Father looked up "Kerös, it is time to end this." He said, like I had not gone anywhere.

I looked for the highest point in the battle field and shifted there. Father raised his hands and the large horn was blown. All the warriors of Charias stood down and retreated.

The other soldiers; the Creion, were surprised at first but before they could, Kad mi-el's voice boomed "Everyone stand down."

The shock went through them all and suddenly there was silence. "I have returned." I said " I have come back to return the Sceptre to the noble house Pellrima, to restore peace to Id'ea."

The silence was unnerving but I went on "This meaningless violence must stop; We are all one."

"Why should we believe that this is the original Sceptre."

"This in fact is the first Sceptre, from the time of the ancients." I said "I am aware that seeing is believing."

I pulled out my knife and drew it across my palm. I held the sceptre mid section I collected from Asena.

The other parts of the Sceptre rose from the ground and hovered near the piece I held, almost touching it.

"Hear me now. I, Kerös Pellrima, blood of the ancients, heir to the throne of Id'ea, calls for peace."

The pieces merged and the Sceptre became whole.

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