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We all stood ready. It was decided; we would storm the city at night, attack only the invaders. Mallothi will be apprehended and brought in.

Lord Derrahn was about to talk to the warriors when a single soldier ran up to him. I noticed he was one of the scouts. He whispered something into Lord Derrahn's ear and his expression darkened.

"I'm afraid there is no time to talk." Lord Derrahn said "Mallothi and his men have charged out of the city. They plan to attack us now."

He pulled out his Shan and smiled. "No matter what happens. It ends today."

The resistance; about three hundred men shouted in support, raising their weapons. "Asena, to me." Lord Derrahn said

"You called me." I said when I got to him.

"You are to keep the mid section safe." He said "No fighting for you."


"No," he said "I promised Kerös I would keep you, Ater and Plette safe. I cannot convince him not to fight. But I can stop you."

"Yes my lord." I said, collecting the cloth I knew weilder the mist important artifact in the Empire.

"Stay away from the battle." He said.

But I couldn't stay away, because all around us the enemy attacked and we were sorrounded.


No story would describe this battle as accurately as it really was. There were no thoughts of honour or valour. My most primal instinct took over; survive.

I weaved through the carnage, striking down the enemies who were on my path. I was going for one target; Mallothi Ekiane.

I was struck by someone behind me. I fell on my back and saw the unrecognisable face of a warrior. He was about to kill me when he fell down. Darius stood before me "Don't die yet. I need your approval, I want to ask Asena to be my girlfriend."

"Sure thing." I said, he pulled me up and i saw someone running at him. "Duck!!"

Darius bent over and I rolled on his back, thrusting my spear foward and catching the soldier in the thigh. "Thanks." Darius said

"No problem." I said "Let's find Asena.

Finding her was not too hard. I just trusted my instincts and ran. She was sorrounded by three warriors but I wasn't worried; She could hold her own. Asena jumped and stabbed one of the warriors in the gut. She then used him as a spring board to attack the second, bringing down her knives in a deadly arc. The third managed to hit her. She fell to the ground and before the guard could strike her he was brought down by Darius.

"I had him." Sha said, accepting his hand. She got up and dusted herself. "Thanks for coming for me."

"I'll never leave you." Darius said.

"Okay guys." I said "don't start."

"Where are we going?." Asena said

"To find Mallothi." I said, "We stop him they back off.

" Where are the Furia?"

"They only attack when infuriated." Darius said "Ñæriasi law."

We were about to start our search when a voice spoke in our heads. You think you can win. It took all the Free to stop me last time. What makes you think three children can stop me?

It laughed and I felt a chill down my spine.

"Show yourself, coward."

All in good time, child. Though I worry that you will not live to see my face. The ground opened and three Aeslor came out, even larger than the ones we faced in the challenge of the Free.

"Oh shit." I said.

I looked at the Aeslor in front of me; It was a scary sight, all its eyes looking at me. "Asena get out of here." I said.

"No." She said.

"You have to keep the piece safe." I said " Darius and I will hold them off." Even if I wasn't sure I would survive.

Go on ,girl. Run; I will still get you.

Asena turned to Darius "I love you." She said.

She then ran, carrying the hope of the Empire in her right hand.

"Well." Darius said "This should be fun."

I thought of how my life was going to be shortened to sixteen pitiful years. I loved my life in the Scholar's Clave, Is'sa and I had not spent a lot of time in an ordinary world; I had to survive, for her, for the Empire.

"It was an honour."

"Like wise." Darius

We charged at the Malevolence.

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