Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

"Mom, I'm Leaving Now," I yelled as I grabbed my stuff to walk out the door.

"Oh honey wait one more second I wont see you for two weeks I want to give you a proper goodbye"

"Ok but please mom make it quick, no tears, and I promise I'll call you when we land and every night"

"Ok, ok I know. Carter listen, I know you have been saving up for this for a long time but I just wanted to give you a little more security.."

"Oh Mom no, you dont have to," I interrupted.

"Oh but honey I love you so much and it's a big city I just want to make sure you'll be safe," she hugged me and slipped $1,000 into my bag and before I could protest she pushed me out the door. My mom waved goodbye and I ran to my bestfriend, Ali, and her dad waiting in the car. For an early graduation present our parents chipped in to buy us a trip to London, England and I am so excited. London is the most perfect city ever and although I've never been to there I know I want to spend the rest of my life there.

We were less than 30 seconds into the drive to the airport when Ali and I started talking or should I say screaming and squelling in the backseat of the car about our trip.

"Ok girls, I get it you gals are really excited now can you please lower your voices a little bit so I can focus on driving and not crash the car," Mr. Andrews exclaimed and Ali laughed in the back seat.

"Sorry Mr. Andrews," I said, "we'll try to keep it down."

The rest of the trip we sat in the back seat and whispered about all the fun we were going to have on our trip. Once we got to the airport we could almost taste the English tea. All of a sudden there were lots of high pitched screams, flashes of lights, and a big crowd coming from the other side of the room we were in while waiting for our plane to board. I dont really pay attention much to the celebrity world or which person is or isn't a celebrity. Thats more Ali's job she loves that type of thing. I really didnt care about who it was and since we were at JFK it probably could've been anyone.

"Flight 576 to London now boarding," I heard over the loud speaker with that Ali and I quickly picked up our bags and pretty much ran to board the plane.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Harry's point of view~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Our van pulled up to the airport and almost immeadietly we were swarmed by the paps and tons of our wonderful American fans. The paps are my least favorite part of this new "fame" thing but one thing I do love seeing is our fans. No matter what mood they make me smile. I always try to stop and sign a couple of autographs because I know it means alot to them.

"Ready?" Niall said to all of us as he started to open the door.

"Ready as I'll ever be," I replied.

"Let's do this," Liam said with a smile on his face and all the other boys nodded in agreement.

We opened the door and started the long journey through the airport followed by paps and girls. We just had a milestone concert at Madison Square Garden to end our tour and we were very anxious to get home. It was like a gift because as soon as we got to wherei we would be boarding the plane they announced that passengers could start boarding. I board the plane quickly, found my seat, and closed my eyes for the take off.

The last thing I heard was Louis saying "See you back in England mate."

"See you back in England, Louis," I replied back with a smile.

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