chapter 32

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~~~~~Carter's POV~~~~~~

Harry had a surprise for me? He grabbed my hand and lead me towards his dressing room.

"I love you Carter." Harry said as he slowly opened the door to reveal a candlelight table.

"Oh my god Harry. This is so romantic." I said in awe. Harry had to be the best boyfriend in the world.

"I just wanted to show you that I really am sorry for last night. I didnt want that to end the way it did and believe me Carter I want you more than anything in the world but it has to be right." Harry pushed me into the table then took his seat.

"How did you know I like white roses?" I asked admiring the bouqet of white in the middle of the table. I absolutely adored white roses. They were so beautiful yet they were extremely simple and they meant innocence and purity.

"A little birdy told me." harry said with a grin. I heard the door open and turned around. In walked Niall, Liam, and Zayn holding different plates of food and drinks. Louis followed them and stopped at the edge of the table.

"What can I get for the lovely couple tonight? Madame can I start with you?" Louis signaled to each dish as he explained what it was. I choose the roasted chicken with poatatoes and Harry the same. The boys left leaving Harry and I alone by ourselves.

"What is all this for? I mean don't take me wrong I'm so happy right now, but you didn't have to do this." I said and Harry smiled.

"I just thought that we needed a night to get away. Oh and after we eat you're gonna beed to change because its a little chilly out." Harry smiled again this time our eyes meet and said everything we needed to.

"You and your surprises." I laughed. We ate in silence for a while, but soon we were laughing our heads off.

"Oh my god harry were you ok?" Tears formed at the corners of my eyes because I was laughing so hard.

"I was fine, I mean my pride hurt a little but I was toatlly good. The boys litterally stopped the concert and laughed at me." Harry was explaining the time he fell on stage. It had to be the funniest thing ever.

"Awwww my poor baby." I said. We talked about it for a little while longer before Harry stood up.

"Go change Love I have big plans for tonight." Harry pointed over in the corner where an outifit was laying.

"Harry those clothes are way to cute for you to have picked them out by yourself. Did Lou help you?" I smiled. Without Lou I don't know what the boys would do when it comes to fashion.

"I'm offended Love." Harry said pretending to be hurt and grabbing his heart.

"Harry? Tell me the truth." I said playfully with my hands on my hips. In less than a second Harry closed the space between us and pulled me close. Our noses were centimeters away now, Harry's warm breath doing wonders on me.

"And what if I didn't? What would you do to me?" His green eyes sparkled and his deep, raspy voice made my spine shiver.

"You don't wanna know sweetie." I ran my hand through Harry's hair before I strutted away to put my clothes on.

"Harry look away." I said. What can I say I'm shy.

"Love I've seen you with only a bra and undies I think I'm ok." Harry winked.

"Harry..." I warned. He chuckled, threw his hands up un surrender, and turned around. I started to undress and slip on the outfit Harry helped pick out. It was a pair of light capris, a white tank top, green cardigan, a scarf, and I super cute pair of brown sandals. This was my like signature style and I loved it.

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