chapter 21

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~~~~~~Harry's POV~~~~~~~

We had been at Carter's house for almost a week already. Mary was absolutely amazing. She's pretty much the knidest women I've ever meet and I could tell that she loved Carter with all of her heart.

"Harry?!" Carter yelled at me from upstairs.

"I'm coming!!" i shouted back down to her. She was always making fun of me how it takes me so much longer to get ready.

"What are you laughing at little lady?" I could hear her start giggling downstairs and I smiled. Her giggle was probably the cutest thing I've ever heard.

Carter completely and totaly had my heart and I loved it.

"Just get down here Haz." I skipped down the stairs two at a time, picked her up, and spun her around. It wasnt till after I did this that I saw Mary watching us.

"You guys are just the cutest thing ever. Tell me again why you can't go public?" Mary walked over and pinched each of our cheeks causing Carter to burst out laughing.

"Stupid management." I mumbled under my breath.

"Ok babe lets go to starbucks." Carter pulled my hand and we headed towards the door. Whenever this topic came up Carters face sunk and it killed me inside.

"Babe wait." I stopped walking and pulled her back, because she was so tiny she practically flew back towards me. We were now centimeters apart. Whenever i wanted to talk to Carter and really have her listen this is how I had to do it. This girl that I loved so much had the attention span of a two year old.

"Harry, ow, what?" She looked surpirsed at my sudden stop.

"Babe, I love you.."

"Yeah I know that." She laughed and interrupted me.

"No wait I wasn't done silly. What I wanted to say was that I promise when we go back I will do whatever I can to make us public. I'm sick of hiding I want to show the world how much I love you." Her emotions immeadietly perked up and  she pressed her lips against mine. When we pulled away i smiled.

"You're beautiful Love."

"I know no need to tell me something that obvious." I laughed as Carter flipped her hair and strutted to the car.

"Work it girl." I yelled after her. Carter turned around struck a pose and fell over laughing. We probably had laughed for a while, both of us getting to the point where we were silent. A flash went off and I panicked. The papparazi hadn't found us yet because we somehow managed to keep everything a secret, so when I saw the flash I thought the worst.

"Relax Hazza it's just lightning." As soon as Carter said this the sky opened up and started pouring.

"My hair!"

"Get in the car babe, let's go get some starbucks and get out of this rain." I opened the door for her and we drove off to find a starbucks.


"Can I have a Caramel Macchiato please?" Carter asked the girl taking our order.

"And for you?" She asked me without looking up.

"Ummm yeah I'll have an Iced Coffee." She picked her head up obviously recognizing my voice.

"Oh my God you're freaken Harry Styles!" She pretty much screamed it which caused many other people's heads in the room to turn to us. I got embarassed and ran my hand through my hair. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Carter laughing at me.

"Uhhh Yep. Yeah I'm Harry nice to meet you." I shyly smiled at her as she started jumping up and down.

"Oh my freaken god I love you so much. You're perfect. I love your music..." She stopped midsentence and stopped jumping, "What are you doing here? Have you come to marry me?!?!" She started jumping up and down again at the last point. I was actualy beginning to get creeped out. I love our fans but sometimes they scare me.

Harry DarlingWhere stories live. Discover now