chapter 29

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~~~~~~Carter's POV~~~~~~~

"Harry go away please." I said trying to keep my voice from cracking.

"Carter please come out we need to talk." Harry pleaded with me through the door. I needed a little time to think this over. What had I just done? I was so ready to give myself to Harry and he didn't want me. Did Harry feel the same way as I did? My head was spinning I needed to sit.

"Carter come out of there please. We can't talk through a door." Harry said and I could hear him lay his head on the door.

"Harry please... go away." I begged him. I could hear Harry huff and push away from the door angrily. I allowed myself to sink down to the cold bathroom floor. Tears streamed down my face and I soon feel alseep laying on a towel.

~~~~~~Harry's POV~~~~~~

I pushed off the bathroom door, walked out of Carter's room and put on my jacket.

"Harry? Are you ok? Where are you going?" Mary asked as I walked towards the front door.

"Out." I replied coldy. I was mad not at Carter but at myself. I shouldn't have snapped at Mary like that she had no idea what was going on.

"Where's..." I slammed the door shut before Mary could finish her question. I had no idea where I was going but I needed some air. I was in a foreign country and a place where I've never been before but I was to angry to be nervous.

The wind whipped and the smell of rain was in the air. I had forgot an umbrella but who cares anyway. A little rain never killed anyone.

Well except it almost killed Carter.

Carter. My first true love that I just blew it with.

She almost died and now I'm pretty sure I was dead to her. My heart ripped in two at this realization. Carter wouldn't want me after this and I wasn't sure how I'd live without her.

I had been walking for two hours. The store I just walked by had a clock in the front window and it was 2 a.m. I wonder if Carter was worried about me. Porbably not though.

"Hey STOP! PLEASE! NO!" I heard a woman scream. I looked around frantically and found the source of the scream. A woman in an alley way was being attacked by two men wearing black masks. Normally I wouldn't have done what I did but I was numb with emotions so I had no idea what I was doing.

"STOP." I yelled harshly when I crossed the street. The two men spun on their heels and left the woman alone for a second.

"Who are you asshole?" The taller man spat out. His voice was cruel and hard.

"You don't need to know." I spat back.

"Wait a minute Joe doesn't he look familiar?" The shorter man said to his friend. "I know you man come stand in the light." I stood frozen to my spot. My adreneline was wearing off and I had no idea what I planned to do.

"Hey douchebag I said come closer." The man started walking over to me and I kept my ground. He reached me and was now inches away from my face. It wasn't like when Carter and I got close, this was threatening and meant to scare me, but it didn't work.

"Holy shit your that Harry Styles kid from One Direction." The short man said, "Joe come here look who we found." He called over his shoulder signaling the other man named Joe. Joe had found the woman again and was holding her but he threw her down as he walked towards me.

"Run!" I screamed to the woman. After a few seconds she grabbed her purse off the ground and ran out of the ally. I could see tears in her eyes as she ran by. We made eyecontact for a couple seconds and I could tell she thanked me for helping her.

"You think that just becasue you're rich and famous you can't get hurt huh?" The man named Joe said, "Well you might want to rethink that." I felt a sharp pain in my gut and I doubled over. My instincts kicked in and I dogded a kick to the side. I've watched boxing before so I knew that the most impotant thing was to cover your face. I brought my hands up and started to dance with the men.

"What the hell's wrong with you dumbass?" Ouch that hurt I thought sarcastically.

"You think that hurts my feelings don't you?" I said standing up. "Well it wont hurt as much as this." I threw an uppercut right into the man's gut and another punch right to his face. He stumbled back, surprised that I fought back. I didn't have much time before his friend grabbed my arms and held them behind my back.

"Wow you sure are tough little boy. How old are you? 15? You don't know how to even throw a punch. Do it like this next time and you might inflict some pain." He punched me in the gut. I tried to double over but I was held in place by the other man.

"And like this." He punched me again but his time in the face. Great I'd have a bruise for the interview. I'd love to see Lou try and cover this.

Blow after blow this man sent my way. Luckily most of them were to my stomach and not my face.

"Ok Joe, stop. He's had enough." The short man said throwing me to the ground. The two men left me in the ally writhering in pain. I stayed there for probably twenty minutes trying to catch my breath. Slowly I stood up and made my way to the street to get a taxi.

I gave the taxi driver Carter's address and closed my eyes. My whole body hurt and my face was probably swelled to the size of a softball.


I slowly made my way up Carter's stairs careful not to look in any mirrors. I reached her room and she wasn't in her bed. The light from the bathroom flooded through the crack under the door. I reached my hand out for the door handle and twisted slightly expecting it to be locked. The door open unlocked and I peered in. Carter was laying on the floor covered with a towel. I beant down and picked her up, her long hair draping over my arm . She was very light because of all the weight she lost in the hospital so she was easy to carry. I set her in bed then took my normal spot right next to her.

"See you in the morning Carter. I love you." I said and took my place next to her. Carter patted behind her where my body should be. I snuggled closer to her and a small smile appeared over sleeping festures. Maybe everything was going to be ok.

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