Chapter 55

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By the time Eleanor and I had got back from spending some girl time all the boys had already left. We dropped our many shopping bags at the hotel room entrance and flung ourselves onto the worn in couch.

"I never knew shopping could make you so tired."

"I'm exhausted," I confirmed as we both laid on our back and stared at the white ceiling. I shut my eyes for a couple minutes to try and gain some energy back. Eleanor must have done the same since we both grew silent, the only sound was our breathing.

"So what should we do tonight?" Eleanor asked.

"I'm in serious need of an ultimate chick flick," I said sitting upright.Eleanor did the same and we turned our bodies and attention to the tv.

"Wait look at this one! It's called Listen to Your Heart," Eleanor yelled after what felt like twenty minutes of searching Netflix for the perfect chick flick.

"What is it about?" 

"A waiter fall in love with a deaf girl. awwwww," eleanor said reacting to the little blurb of information that they give you before you watch the movie.

"Oh my god turn it on lets do it," I said already preparing myself for the movie we were about to watch. 

"Wait we aren't ready yet!" Eleanor yelled kicking the blanket off her legs and runnign behind me to the kitchen. Seconds later I heard the pops of popcorn and the banging of cabinets.

"Where did you get the popcorn from?" I laughed as I remembered we were in a hotel room and not at oru house. 

"The boys always have these hotels packed with food because their always hungry so I hide the poporn when we first got here." Eleanor laughed. 

"Well what are you waiting for bring the popcorn over!" I yelled. Eleanor came over and put the large bowl of popcorn in the middle of the couch between us but she didnt sit down yet. 

"Just in case," Eleanor said as she came over with a box of tissues.

"It's not a chick flick until you break out the tissues," I laughed as I pulled some out of the box already and set them in my lap. When I looked up Eleanor still hadn't sat down. 

"Eleanor?" I called.

"I'll be over in a second!" She called back. I heard what sounded like glasses then Eleanor's bare feet making their way across the cold tiled floor.

"I have wine!" She smiled waving the glasses in her hand.

"El I'm not legal here!"

"What people don't know wont hurt them!" Eleanor smiled as she poured herself a glass then poured me one. when she handed me my glass I didn't protest. I took a long swig and waited to feel the relaxing effects of the wine. The alcohol took an almost immeadiate effect due to my extremely low alcohol tolerance. Even in my previous life when I went to parties and got drunk I was usually the first girl drunk and the first girl passed out in some weird place. 

"You ready?" I said for some reason giggling as I grabbed the remote and pressed play. 

"I would never wish that on anyone." The main character, Danny, said towards the end of the movie. I had already gone through four tissues, that were soaked with tears after I finished using them, and I was on my fifth. I looked over at Eleanor whose mascara was running and she had tissues balled up in her hand occasionally reaching up and dabbing them under her eyes.

The movie ended and after a minute of taking in what we just watched Eleanor and I slowly looked at each.

"Go-good thing the boys aren't h-here," Eleanor hiccupped as she took another tissue to wipe her eyes.

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