chapter 25

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~~~~~~Carter's POV~~~~~~~

"Carter babe," I heard as I started to wake up, "Wake up." Harry was standing right above me. His angelic features illuminated by the moring sun.

"Harry? What's wrong babe?" I felt stronger today than I have felt in a long time and I had a plan.

"Carter, I have to go somewhere, I'll be back in a couple of hours. Try not to miss me to much." Harry leaned down and kissed my forhead before turning around and leaving the room. I heard his phone call yesterday I knew he was going to the airport but I didn't know why he was going and why he didnt tell me.

But I had a plan.

As soon as I saw Harry's shawdow disappear I called in the nurse.

"How can I help you Carter?" Amy, my nurse, said polietely.

"It's time Amy." I smiled. We had been planning this for a while and we just needed Harry to leave for a while. I hadn't left my bed in almost three weeks and I knew it pained Harry to see me like this. So yesterday when I heard he was leaving Amy and I began to scheme.

"Ok Carter let's do this gurl." Amy helped me out of bed and we got to work.

~~~~~~Harry's POV~~~~~~~

Eleanor's plane had been delayed an hour and I became increasingly impatient. I hadn't been away from Carter for this long in a long time. My patience was almost finished when I saw the familiar brown locks.

"Eleanor!" I screamed and ran towards her. It was so nice to see a familiar face after this whole time.

"Harry!" she screamed when I hugged her. I think I scared her because she dropped her bags and clutched her heart.

"Harry! Oh gosh! You scared me!" She yelled and playfully punched me causing me to start laughing. I was so happy she was here. Everything would be ok now. Carter was going to be ok.

"Eleanor! thank you so much for coming! We really needed this. Now let's go! Carter is waiting for us!"

"Wait, wait Harry! I have a surprise for you..."

"No Eleanor we have to go now! You can show me the surprise on the way to the hospital!" I interrupted but she didn't listen and stepped to the side.

"Hey Harry." Liam said as he walked towards me. I was frozen. How did I not see them behind El? I was so happy I couldn't move. I know I told Eleanor to come alone but secretly I was hoping she would tell the boys and even if she didn't Lou would have figured it out.

"Harry!" Niall yelled and ran towards me. He smacked into me and hugged me. Soon I was embraced in a group hug and I felt so good. I was reunited with my brothers. This was amazing.

Then I snapped out of it.

"I'm so happy to see you guys, I really am, but can we pleaseeeee go back to the hospital." I pulled them in the direction of the car waiting.

"Uh guys its gonna be a tight fit because I only thought Eleanor was coming so I got a four person car."

"Its ok Haz we can fit." Liam laughed. The hospital was a 15 minute drive from the airport and everyone barely had room to breath. The closer we got to the hospital the more anxious I became.

"Harry calm down!" Liam yelled laughed at me.

"What? Why?" I asked back, shocked.

"Mate you're hitting your leg!" I looked down and saw my hand repeatedly smacking my thigh. Hmmmm I didn't even realize I was doing that.

"Sorry guys I'm just really anxious. I haven't been away from Carter for this long." Eleanor reached over and grabbed my hand in hers.

"Harry, she's fine! Carter is probably running around the hospital right now." Eleanor calmly told me.

"Yeah right. She hasn't been out of bed for almost three weeks." My mood changed instantly as I remembered how much pain Carter was in. She hated being like this: completely dependent on people for everything.

Five minutes later we were at the hospital. The driver dropped us off at the front door and I ran inside with everyone following me.

"Guys! Hurry up! This way!" I got to the elevator first and had to wait for the button.

"Harry... Harry... Calm down." Niall said out of breath once he caught up to me. The rest of the boys and Eleanor followed him.

"Harry I can't run that fast! I'm wearing heels!" Eleanor said also out of breath. Just then the elevator arrived and we all filed inside.

"Ok guys when we get to her floor wait outside her room untill I know she's ok then come in." The elevator doors opened up to Carter's floor and I ran out. I started to run towards Carter's room but stopped as soon as I turned the corner.

"Carter?!" The familiar looking girl looked up at me. It was Carter. She smiled at me. She was walking but with the help of a nurse becasue she was still very weak.

"Hey Harry. Whats up?" Carter said casually. I couldn't hold in my emotions anymore. I ran the 50ft that was between us and when I reached her I picked her up and spun her around.

"Oh my god babe! You're walking!" She had to wear a surgical mask but I could tell she was smiling because of how her eyes squinted the tiniest bit which by the way was my favorite part about her..

"I did it for you, Harry. Amy and I had been planning this for a while." I had completely forgot about the people who were following me until Louis cleared his throat.

"Oh yeah Carter I have a surprise for you babe." I stepped back so she could see who was behind me.

"Oh my god Harry! Everyone! I'm gonna cry! Why are you guys here?" Carter was leaning on to me for support. She reached up and wiped away a tear.

"Awwww CarCar! Don't cry Love or I'm gonna cry!" Eleanor said tears forming at the corners of her eyes.

"Harry? Get me a chair will ya babe? I need to sit down." I picked Carter up bridal styles and carried her to the nearest wheelchair. I know she still didn't feel 100% and her heart was still under some pressure but she was trying to hide it from me.

"Carter I heard they had a Starbucks here would you like to go get some coffee with me?" Eleanor asked grabbing Carter's chair and pushing her away.

"Eleanor you've been here for like ten minutes! How did you know they had one?" Carter laughed.

"I have my ways." They turned the corner and their voices diminished.

"Ok Hazza let's talk." Liam said once they were out of earshot.

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