Chapter 36

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"Eleanor you never said anything about a carpet." I sadi nervously as we pulled up to the fashion show venue.

"You'll do fine babe. It's just for a couple minutes. Smile, stand next to Harry, and you'll be fine." Eleanor said squeezing my thigh and reassuring me. I turned to Harry and he grabbed my hand bringing it to his lips and kissing it.

"You can do this love." He said showing my his dimples. I was pretty much used to the paps by now but what scared me was their questions. I didn't want to answer them badly or stupidly and make Harry look bad. I wanted to be a good girlfriend and not make him regret bringing me out in public. I took a deep breath before smiling.

"What are you smiling at Carter?" Louis asked chuckling. I smirked at him.

"LET'S DO THIS!!!! LETS KICK SOME PAP ASS!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs in the car. Everyone burst out laughing and suddenly i was nervous anymore. I felt pretty and I was ready to go.

"LET'S DO THIS!" Louis yelled back laughing.

"LET'S KICK SOME ASS!" Eleanor yelled laughing her butt of.

"GET OUT OF THE CAR YOU SILLY WEIRDOS!!!" Harry yelled. One by one we piled out of the car laughing our way on to the red carpet. I stopped for a minute taking in the scene in front of me. over the bright flashes of light I saw people in dresses and suits walking down the carpet, pausing every now and then to pose for the camera. I shook my anxiety out of my head and smiled.

"Let's do this you silly boy." I teased before walking away playfully.

"I like this side of you babe." Harry called after me. I threw my head back and laughed. It felt good to feel confident like this in front of all these people. I was a different person right now and I liked it this way. Fort he first time in my life I felt as if I belonged some place.

For the next ten minutes as we walked donw the carpet and into the building I flashed a smile and struck poses. Harry was right by my side the entire time. The constant flashes of light stopped bothering me after a couple of minutes as I continued taking pictures with Harry. We made our way into the building and took our seats.

"Why is it so dark in here?" I laughed. Eleanor jokingly pushed me and laughed too.

"They'll make it brighter once the show starts." She said with a smile on her face. Harry and Louis had gone to find where our seats were and had starting to make her way back over to us. Harry and I locked eyes causing me to start blushing.

"You two really do have something special." Eleanor whispered in my ear as I was looking at the floor trying to recover from the sudden rush of blood to my cheeks.

"I really love him Eleanor. He's so important to me and it actually kind of scares me." I said rubbing my arm in embarrasment. It was true: I loved Harry more than anything in the world and he was everything to me, but honestly I was terrified I was falling to hard for him. That I was just going to become hurt and broken like I have so many times in the past.

"When two people look at each other like you guys do, Carter, it's love and it's meant to be. You can practically see the love radiating off the two of you. He won't hurt you Carter. He'll always be there for you." Eleanor said as she squeezed my hand.

"I know." I said quietly smiling to myself and thinking about the long future Harry and I had together.

"What do you know?" Louis asked as him and Harry approached.

"Oh nothing." I said smiling at him. He gave me a weird look but let it drop. harry grabbed my hand and I turned towards him. One of the few lights in the room were directly behind him causing him to be outlined in an angel like glow.

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