chapter 34

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~~~~Carter's POV~~~~

This was really nice. Harry and I were back at the hotel room watching a movie. He was sitting on the couch with my head in his lap. My hair was fawned out all around me and as we watched the moive Harry played with my hair. I turned my head to look up at him. His usual soft features were hard and looked like they were hiding something.

"Harry? Is everything ok?" I asked him sweetly trying to keep ahold of my voice. Whenever he was like this my heart ripped into tons of pieces. It pained me to see such a beautiful human being so pained.

"Ummmm yeah. Let's watch the moive Carter, we'll talk about it later." Harry said not making eye contact but just staring blankly at the screen. Somethign was really wrong and I needed to find out but if I pressed anymore this would turn into a fight.

"Ok." I replied reluctantly, letting out a sigh before turning to look at the screen again. Harry's hands numbly ran through my hair, each  time getting rougher and rougher until it hurt.

"Ow Harry! You're hurting me!" I said as I jumped out of Harry's lap and massaged my scalp.

"I'm sorry." He said absently. This was starting to piss me off. What the hell is the matter with him. I sat on the other side of the couch for a while trying to figure things out. I was just about to move back over when Harry spoke.

"God damn it Carter I can't take this anymore!" He practically screamed, scaring the shit out of me. I was shaking becasue i was taken so off gaurd by Harry's sudden outburst.

"Harry whats wrong? What happened?" I said placing my hand on his.

"Do you not remember what you said?" He asked, "Cuz it's KILLING me inside." I had honestly no idea what he was talking about. I tried to go through our conversations again but I couldn't think of anythignI could've said to made him act like this.

"Harry I have no idea what you're talking about." I said calmly.

"Carter you said you didn't want to have to go through this again when we talked about my bruises. What happened in the past? Why has this happened to you again." Harry said with his eyes closed. He opened them at the last part staring directly into mine. His green eyes so readable: pain, worry, and so much more.

"Harry please..."

"Carter I need to know." He said before I could finish. I sighed knowing that I would have to tell him. I was going to have to come clean about the past and, honestly, it scared the shit out of me.


"MOM, DAD!! LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE! YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!! YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT'S GOING ON! PLEASE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" We had been screaming at each other for over two hours and i was done. I wanted out and thats where I was going. Out. Anywhere but this hell hole of a place. I garbbed my coat and ran out of the house leaving the door open behind me. I could hear my parents screams behind me but I did what I do best.

I ran.

Right before I turned the corner i looked back. My dad was running after me trying to chase me down, trying to stop me from going, trying to prevent the worst decision of my life. Little did I know that would be the last time I ever saw my dad alive. I was 14 at the time and i was young and stupid.


It was pitch black, everywhere I looked darkness and fear were rampant. My mind was coulded and I couldnt think. I had just gotten up from my bench where I had laid for two hours. It was cold and wet and I was lost. I wanted my mom and I wanted my dad. There was the same street sign i've passed countless time before this night. I was going in circles and wasn't even making an effort to get out.

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