Chapter 18 - The Derp Crew

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Cady's POV

Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I had just woken up from a horrific nightmare and had somehow ended on the floor. I remembered this one though, and I woke up right as my body hit the ground. I was thrilled it was just a dream, but it seemed so real. And don't dreams always have a meaning behind them?

I thought about what Minx and I had talked about earlier. How I felt about him. What if we did date. Maybe my dream was telling me that dating him was a bad idea. Maybe I would end up getting hurt like before. I didn't want to be hurt.

Ainsley's POV

We were going to surprise Cady this morning, us being the derps and I, but when we went into her room at like 6 am, she wasn't there. I looked around her room and found a note on her bed.

Gone for a little walk. Some fresh air. Went out the fire escape. See you soon. ~Cady

"That's not like Cady." I said. "She usually sleeps til ten. Something happened." Immediately bad scenarios went through my head. What if she was going to jump? Was she that depressed?

"You think she's okay?" Ze asked us all. Chilled whipped out his phone and dialed what I assume was Cady.

Chilled's POV

I dialed her number and waited. I was worried sick.

"Hello?" Cady croaked.

"Cady!" I said loudly as everyone looked at me wide eyed. "Are you okay? Where are you?"

"I'm unlocking the door to my apartment..." She said and sure enough we heard a door open, and we all ran into the living room. I ran to her and hugged her.

Cady's POV

"Why were you guys so worried?" I asked, pushing Chilled off of me. I didn't want his touch. I didn't want it ever again.

"You went for a walk at 6 am?" Smarty asked from behind Ainsley. I smiled, just noticing they were here. Then confusion ran across my face.

"Six am?" I asked and they nodded. "I've been on a walk for 3 hours?"

"Three hours!" Ainsley said and I nodded. "What the hell happened?"

I thought about what did happen. I woke from the dream, wrote the note, then went out the fire escape. I walked and walked and walked, then ran and ran and ran. It was dark, and I kept running into things, and I feared that someone was there. No one was. I was alone and dedicated to my thoughts. I cried a lot.

"I dunno." I said, blushing then looking away. "I just couldn't sleep."

Ainsley was the only one who saw threw that.

"Cady." She said staring at me as if to say do you think I'm an idiot? "You couldn't sleep?"

"No." I replied, and then I looked at her saying I'll tell you later and she nodded. Me and her usually can communicate with our eyes. It's a best friends thing.

I said hello to the Derp Crew and then we talked. We hung out a lot and then finally, Galm asked me something I just wanted them to forget about. "So what is you're real name?"

"Oh. Right. That." I said and then blushed furiously as Ainsley giggled.

"Tell them!" She said. "It's a really pretty name!"

"It's uh..." I said looking down. I hated my name. I just wanted to change it to Cady. "Mirabella Porcher" I whispered it and then looked up at everyone smiling. I blushed a lot harder and then Chilled who sat next to me, tapped my shoulder, causing me to jump from my seat.

"Uh, who wants me to make them breakfast?" I asked quickly and nervously.

"I thought you said you couldn't cook." Galm said, laughing.

"Right!" I exclaimed. "Ainsley, help me out!" And I grabbed her hand and left behind three very confused people, and one sad Chilled.

"What's going on?" Ainsley whispered to me quickly as she started to get out a few pans to cook with. I told her about the dream, and everything that happened after it.

"Wow." She said quietly. "That's awful."

"Yeah, what do you think it means?" I asked, chewing on the inside of my lip.

"I dunno." She said, and before I could answer, Chilled walked in the room.

"Cady, can you and I, like, uh..." He said looking at the ground. "Can we talk?"

I nodded and he led me to his room as of now. He gestured for me to sit next to him and I did. I felt uncomfortable, and scared. I kept repeating the dream in my head, and didn't want him to touch me.

"Look, Cady." He said after a very awkward silence. "I don't know what happened, but if I did anything, I'm sorry. I'd never hurt you."

I looked away and felt my face become hot. "I'd like to think that." I murmured loud enough for him to hear me, then I left.

What did I do?

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