Chapter 37 - Storm

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Cady's POV

I had changed into a plain white sweatshirt and some black shorts, but my hair was still wet. The power had gone out while I was on the roof, so we lit candles to lighten the room.

We were all in the living room, sitting in silence, and we hears a loud knock on the door. I was closest to the door, so I got up and opened it, revealing Dan and Phil.

"Are you guys okay?" Dan asked.

"Yes, we are." I said and the other two got up from the couch, and walked over.

"The power out here too?" Phil asked us and I sighed then nodded.

"Okay, we just wanted to see if you guys were okay." Dan said and the turned and left. I shut the door behind them then sighed. I decided to tweet something.

Stuck inside with @ChilledChaos and @AinAinAinsley and it is storming. Q+A? #AskCady

I tweeted it and then waited for some questions. I had never done a Q+A before but it seemed like a fun past time. I went into my room and grabbed my camera and recording stuff then walked into the living room, where all three of is set up the equipment.

I pressed record and started.

"Hey guys! So if you saw my last tweet, I asked you guys to ask me some questions, and you did, in the thirty minutes it was up. It is currently storming here," A flash of lightning and the boom of thunder sounded right as I said that. "As you can see, so me and Ainsley and Chilled are all locked up in our apartment."

Ainsley and Chilled walked into the camera's view, then backed out and I stifledd a laugh. "Right, so let's get into this!"

"Are you and Chilled dating?" I said, then sighed loudly. "I knew we'd start with this. Okay!" Chilled plopped down next to me and squeezed my hand.

"Yes, Chilled and I are a couple. This isn't the way I thought we'd come out." I looked at him and he looked back.

"I thought we'd create a video." He said and I nodded.

"We still could, I could like, edit this out..." I said and he shook his head.

"No, I don't think so. Less work for you." I smiled and then went back to the camera.

"Well, I think that was a big bomb we just dropped there." I said and Ainsley sat down on the other side of me.

"The ship has sailed and I'm here to make sure it doesn't sink." Ainsley said than paused. "I'm the captain, and I will go down with this ship. I created it."

My mind wandered off to the day when Ainsley created CadyChaos. It seemed like such a long time ago, but it was just two months. I've known Chilled for two months.

"Next question?" Chilled asked, pulling me out of the rabbit hole I had wandered down.

"Yes!" I said than took out my phone. "How are you? Depression wise."

I laughed lightly. Bringing it back to this topic. How am I? Not good.

"Um, it's going pretty well, I mean it is always really hard and confusing, but I think it is going pretty well." I said and then nodded. Chilled squeezed my hand and I smiled.

Lies. Utter lies just spewed from my mouth. I had gotten a little better with depression, but my anxiety had risen to a new high. I was so scared of hurting people, I was trying to shut them out, but they can crawl through the doors.

I sighed than looked at the next question. "Are you good at singing or drawing?"

"Both!" Ainsley blurted out before I could say anything else. "Draw something. Than sing." She demanded.

Ainsley brought me a piece of paper, and a plain pencil. I scetched out a picture of a girl in a windowsill looking out at the falling rain. It took me about thirty minutes to perfect.

I showed it to the camera.

"I'm not a good dr-" I tried to say before being cut off by Ainsley, who made and assortment of noises.

"You are great at drawing." She said, pausing between each word. I showed it to Chilled and he agreed with Ainsley.

"I'm not singing." I said after an awkward silence of Ainsley looking at me expectantly.

"Come on!" Ainsley groaned.

"Last time you were amazing." Chilled said and I smiled and blushed a little.

"Fine." I said rather reluctantly. I reeled around in my mind thinking about songs to sing.

"Do This Is Gospel or something." Ainsley said.

"This Is Gospel sounds good." I said and I started to sing it.

When I finished the song I smiled. Chilled looked lost in thoughts, but they seemed to be good thoughts so I let him be.

A flash of white lightning blinded us, then the loud clap of thunder made ringing in my ears.

"See." I said when the thunder stopped. "Storming."

I answered the rest of my questions, and as I got to the end of my video, the lights flickered on.

"Ah! Probably better than the dozen candles we put up. The power was off." I said. "Well, thus has been Cady and I will see you in the next video. Bye!" We all waved as I shut off the camera. I would get to editing it later.

I put my camera back in my closet against the wall, along with the tripod. My eyes lingered a bit to the empty corner, but I shook my head clear of my thoughts.

I wish the blade was still here. I could cut.


That was the end of that argument. I shuffled to the living room, and sat down next to Chilled who was playing Mario Kart against CPUs.

I snuggled up into him and shut my eyes, the rain littering down on the windows near us.

I fell asleep like that, and didn't wake up again until a loud clap of thunder shut off the lights.

I love you guys!!! I have now over 2k reads, which rocks. I put up my first chapter to my ZeRoyalViking fanfiction, so go on my profile to check that out. You are worth it, I promise.


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