Chapter 29 - Dinner Hell

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Woah, thanks. I checked my story and there are over 1k views. Thank you :)

Chilled's POV

After Cady's game, we high fived. It was about 5pm so we walked out of her room, and when we arrived at the living room, we were laughing about that last game.

"That was brilliant!" I said to her when we arrived.

"Thanks, but it wasn't my idea. I saw it on a YouTube video one time." She laughed.

"What happened?" Smarty asked so  Cady sat down and told the story. She went into good detail and I must have been staring at her because Ze elbowed me and when I looked at him he wiggled his eyebrows. My face turned red and he stifled his laughter.

"So I hung Ohm,  the investigator, and Min survived. When Arsonist Wins popped up, they freaked. It was hilarious." Cady concluded.

They all laughed and Ainsley got up. "Oh, Cady, Andy is coming over to eat with us, I want you to know him better."

"Pass." Cady said, avoiding Ainsley's eyes.

"Why?" Ainsley said walking over to her.

"I have, er, friends here, I'd rather not spend a romantic night as a third wheel." Cady sighed.

"That's how we all feel about you and Chilled." Galm said and Cady threw a pillow at him.

"Fuck you." She said smiling, and everyone else laughed.

Later on~

Cady's POV

The boys were so fucking lucky. They all got to go out to flipping McDonalds while I'm stuck with the two love-birds.

We were having stir fry that Ainsley cooked, so I ate it quickly. I was dine in five minutes while they were eating slowly and laughing when they looked at each other. Disgusting.

"So, you and Ainsley are both YouTubers, Cady?" Andy asked me.

I looked at him, glaring. This. Is. Hell. "Yes." Was all I said.

Ainsley kicked me under the table and looked at me, eyes communicating with mine. Be. Fucking. Nice. You. Bitch.

I smiled at her mockingly and she kicked me again. Like I said. Hell.

"Right." Andy said looking at us weirdly. "I take it you don't like me?"

"I don't like tagging along with my best friend and her rock star fucking boyfriend." I said to him, glaring again. "I don't like having my favorite people in the world go have dinner somewhere else so I can watch, alone, the two love-birds eye fuck each other." I got up and walked away.

I locked the door to my room and seconds later Ainsley was knocking at it.

"Cady, let me in." She said, still knocking.

"No." I replied.

"Cady!" She said again.

"You know I hate relationships. Especially cutsie romantic ones." I said and she shut up. I unlocked the door and looked out. She was gone.

Later on~

My door was still unlocked, but I had my earphones in and was watching YouTube. My door slammed open and four very excited and roudy boys walked into my room.

"Woo!" They shouted and I laughed, pausing my video.

"You're watching me?" Chilled asked as all the boys plopped down on my bed next to me.

"I was, yes." I replied, closing the laptop. "Are you guys drunk?"

"No, we didn't drink." Ze said.

"We are just slightly insane." Smarty said and I smiled.

"As long as it's only slightly." I replied

"How was your dinner date with Ainsley and Andy?" Galm asked.

"Must've been bad, she was in a very pissy mood." Chilled added.

"It went shit. I'm not a good person with relationships, but it's mostly mine that I suck at." When I said that Chilled kinda looked away. It was small but I noticed that.

"But I'm trying." I said and looked over at him and he looked back. We locked eyes, and I smiled.

Hey beautiful! Hope you had a nice day, and sorry I haven't been updating much, but here I am now :) love you all and thanks for 1k views *celebrates*

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