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Aurora Romano 's POV

"Hello everybody, my name is Athena, and today I am hosting my best friend's baby shower! First of all congratulations to the couple on their first baby boy (more to come), I hope you know I love you so much Aurora! And secondly let's party!!!" My best friend, Athena exclaims.

The small crowd errupted with cheers and everybody had a huge smile on their faces.

I walk towards the little stage and take a seat on the chair which was centre of the stage. Athena had decided to go with a blue and off-white theme for the babyshower. It was so cute and I loved it a lot.

My whole family was here today. I hadn't seen them since Christmas, which was over four months ago. I'd missed them so much as they lived in Miami and Val and I lived in NYC.

My brothers however were somewhere with Valentino, the men weren't really around they were in Valentino's office for basically the whole time.

I walk around and send a smile at everyone, and greet them as I walk past. I stop by for a conversation with some people I haven't seen around for a while. I end up going back to the stage and taking pictures with everyone.

The baby had been kicking a lot today for some reason, I'm guessing it was Braxton Hicks. I didn't think much of it as it was kind of close to my due date and the baby would be here soon. At least not too soon.

After a while Valentino, and the rest of the men come down. I snap a few pictures with him and our families. We decided to have a few snacks as I was getting a little hungry. Valentino had gotten New York's best chefs to put together the food and deserts.

They were absolutely scrumptious, I'd gobbled a lot up because omg! They tasted so good. Perhaps I could put some in containers and eat it for the next few days.

I hold onto Valentino's arm, as we go and greet his guests (business partners). I sigh as he rubs my sides, I almost wanted to fall asleep because of how good it felt.

Finally the night had come, everyone had left an hour ago and the whole house was a mess. My family and Valentino's family were staying over to help as I couldn't do it all myself.

I was so tired I could just sleep right now and on top of that the baby, he'd been kicking so much more than ever.

Valentino and the men had gone up into the lounged of a drink I am guessing whilst us ladies stayed down, tidying everything away. Eventually the men had come down to help, except Valentino. I furrow my eyebrows and decide to go up to him.

I reach the lounge before stopping at the door.

"I can't wait to see you tomorrow. I'll meet you in our usual place?" He says, abruptly, I stop. I remove my hand from the door knob and listen to what he says. "Mhm, yeah. Ok bye." He ends the call, I quickly rush into our bedroom.

What the fuck was that?

I shake the negative thoughts out of my head and decide it's best I relax, me stressing out would effect my baby boy. "I love you so much baby."

I sigh, snuggling into the covers, I lay down for what felt like hours. Valentino eventually entered the room and fell asleep within minutes.

Sleep never came.

No matter how much I tried and my baby was going crazy in my stomach.

I kept tossing and turning. Dusk became dawn, I sighed, frustrated. I don't even know how to feel. Surely I am over reacting.... right?

I mean it could've been anything.

I sigh as I get out of the bed and make my way towards the door. I head towards the kitchen to drink some water. I decide to grab an apple and take a seat in the lounge as I turn around I spot a dark figure behind me.

"OH MY GOD!" The hand cover my mouth, "babe! Babe! It's me." I look up into Valentino's beautiful orb. "I-You scared me! Asshole!"

"Okay I'm sorry, I'm sorry baby." He murmured pulling me close to his chest, his left around circles my waist, whilst his right rubs my back, soothingly.

I probably sounded like I was over reacting. I know. I was. I mean that is how I always have been. Always paranoid for some reason.

I sigh into his chest. "Don't do that again. Okay?"
He nods kissing my head. "What are you doing here?" He asks, taking a seat on one of the chairs.

"For a snack, I'm hungry." He nods before turning on the tv. "Val, what're you doing, everyone's asleep." He shrugs his shoulders, continuing to watch the show.

I managed to eat half of the apple, and drink most of the water. I get up slowly throwing away the core and placing the plate into the dishwasher before heading towards where Valentino was sitting.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Mhm, go ahead. I'm all ears baby." He sighs rubbing his eyes. I stare at his shaven clean face. "Who were you speaking to on the phone in your office?" He raises an eyebrow and pauses before speaking. "Milo? For the shipment that came in today." I watch him for a while.

"Why did you say at our normal place?" His eyes widened slightly. "At the docks I meant, our normal place babe. Why are you asking so many questions."

"Nothing just curious." I shrug my shoulder before getting up, as I get up I feel as gush of liquid fall down my legs. What the fuck?

"Babe did you just pee?" I shake my head no. "I-I think my water broke."

To be continued😉...

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