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Valentino Romano's POV

I look down at the small creature in my arms, he was finally here. We'd been waiting months for his arrival, waiting for him to complete our little family.

He looked exactly like me, when I was a baby. It was crazy how much we looked alike. I mean he had my curls, and I'm pretty sure he'd have my eye colour.

He had Aurora's pouty lips though. Which was pretty cute.

I felt proud.

Alhough I was the Italian mafia leader, the man who is the richest person in Italy, the man who had everything at his feet.

I felt like I had been missing something for years, and finally here it was, in my arms, my son and my wife.

Aurora laid in the bed, exhausted, and fast asleep. I was so proud of her, I mean what she did looked so painful, any woman infact who did this deserved the world. She'd passed out an hour after she's given birth.

I sigh, kissing my sons head softly, my son.

how weird does that sound?

I'd always wanted a heir - a baby.

I inhale his soft, calming scent as I got comfortable in the hospital chair. I turn on my phone to see if I had had any messages which I did. I had many messages from close friends and family congratulating me and my wife, but what caught my eye was...

One message from Cassia:

Hey babe! I heard you had your baby!!! Omg can I meet him please😩🥺? By the way congratulations to you and your little wife mwah Xxx

I sigh, feeling guilty I look towards my beautiful wife, and my son in my arms. I ignore her message, switching off my phone.

I had met Cassia 3 years ago in Chicago, when I was there for a business meeting. I hadn't met Aurora then.

Fuck. I sigh as I throw my pen somewhere in the room. I get up, fixing my collar and straightening out my suit.

I walk out of my office to be greeted with a young, sexy blonde. "Hey, uh I'm looking for Mr. Romano." I sigh, "yes? Speaking?" Her blue eyes widened, "Hi, sir my father uh, Christian, I mean Christian Rossi wanted me to give you these files." I nod taking them out of her hands, I notice she has long slender fingers, covered in gold Cartier rings.

An image of her panting under me, her slender fingers pulling my hair

Fuck. Stop.

"Anything else?" She quickly shakes her head, "N/no thank you, I have to go now... bye." As she turns around I notice her backside was big. I smirked she was sexy.

You bastard you have a wife. I look over to her and my son, shaking those thoughts out of my head and I eventually start to fall asleep.

The next morning...

I wake up to the sound of a phone ringing, I look down to see both my wife and son asleep. I run my hands through my hair.

I pick up my phone to see 3 missed calls from Cassia. I dial her phone up and wait for it to ring.
"Hey darling, where are you?" I gulp, don't you dare.

"I'm still at the hospital. Why?" I question. "Nothing just missed you baby, when will you come back to me?" She says. "Not anytime soon, I'm going to stay with Aurora for a while now because she needs help with the ba-"

"Who're you talking to?" My eyes widen, I quickly decline the call, "Elijah, baby. How're you feeling now?" I say stroking her soft hair. "Just tired, can I see him?" I nod, walking over to the Moses basket. Carrying our son towards my wife.

"There we go, all safe with mama." I say. She smiles softly at him, "he's so perfect, isn't he?" I smile back.

"Perfect just like you."

She cuddles our baby into her arms, and kisses his forehead. "He smells so good oh my god." I smile at the sight of my angels. She'a so precious. How could a selfish bastard like me cheat on her? I gulp and continue to watch them both.

Five hours later...

Day turned into night, it was already 8:30PM.

I sigh as I look through the folders that Marco had sent me. Aurora was still in hospital whilst I was trying to figure a way out on brining back our shipments from Russia, France and London.


I slump back into the chair, not knowing what the fuck to do.

I decide to go back to the hospital where my son and wife were, I wonder what she was doing now?

I pick up my phone and dial Aurora's number, it rings for a couple of moments before she picks it up.
"Hello?" Her soft, gentle voice wakes me up.

"Hey angel, I was thinking of getting you food from La Gabia. What would you like?" La Gabia was one of the many restaurants I owned in New York, Italy and Spain. One of the highest, known restaurants all around the world.

I had opened it up when I was 24 with the help of my brothers, and my father. Now it was one of the best restaurants in the world.

"Can you bring me anything? I'm reall not in the mood for anymore hospital food, it makes me sick." I chuckle, "of course, anything else?" She replies with a 'no'. "How's our son?" I say, getting into the car. "He's a little fussy but it's nothing I can't handle and he's been drinking a lot of milk." I smile at the thought of our son. "Reminds me of someone. I'll be there in half hour baby."

I drive into the hospital parking lot, and getting out of my car with bags in my hands. I had gotten my wife all lot of her favourite meals, consisting of lasagne, carbonara pasta, etc etc.

I walk into her ward, to find her breastfeeding our son, she was right, I guess he was a very hungry baby. It was the most beautiful sight. My wife. My son.

I lay all the food down onto the table, before approaching the two. "Hey, I brought you your favourite meals." I kiss her cheek, and the peck her lips. "Thank you." I hum as I watch her feed him for the next ten minutes.

We have a peaceful meal together, talking, laughing, doing whatever together. I wouldn't miss this for the whole world... except I did.

And I will do whatever it takes to stop Cassia from entering Aurora's and our sons lives...

To be continued...

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