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Aurora Romano's POV

(This chapter is a lil saucy😉)

"Hey Aurora." I turn my head around to the familiar voice. "Hello Vicenté," I smile at him softly.

"Yeah forget about me Aurora." Alessio rolls his eyes sarcastically. I giggle, "hello? Alessio." He sticks his tongue out and shoves a piece of chicken into his mouth. "Stupid." Valentino grumbles beside me.

I greet everyone and then I begin to fill my plate with some rosemary chicken, and Mac n cheese. I wasn't really hungry. I eat in silence whilst everyone else was having their own conversations.

Valentino and Damien were speaking about business, whilst the rest were talking about something else. I sigh and take a sip of my water.

"-Aurora," I snap out of my thoughts when I hear my name being called. I look up to see everyone staring at me. "Huh?" Everyone bursts out laughing. My cheeks reddens and I look down.

I probably looked like a tomato.

"Alright everyone stop laughing." Valentino rolls his eyes placing his large arm on my thigh and kisses my cheek.

"I asked you if you knew when your due date was darling?" Damien asks, "on the first, I mean next month on the first." He nods. "Oh that is just aroundthe corner." Eleanor says, sipping on her wine.

I nod and smile.

"Are you going to have a baby shower or...?" Vicenté asks. "Yeah. I mean sorry, yes we are. I'm thinking maybe next week on Saturday?" I say softly as I take a sip of my water.

I yawn softly as I finish putting the plates into the right places. It was a little unusual for me to be up at this time, I was exhausted even though I had napped twice today. I shake the thoughts out of my head and decide to go up to our bedroom to get ready for the night.

Valentino's family had left an hour ago or so. Tonight was great, we got to catch up on a lot of things. Apparently Vicenté has found a girlfriend which we all know is completely a lie. He's a real big playboy. Haha.

Maria and Elenor want to open their own baking business, which I am super excited for because I love their food! Damien was... well Damien the usual business man. Nothing new.

Lilliana, Alexander's girlfriend and him were getting married soon, I can't wait! The last wedding I attended was one of Valentino's clients, and it was so boring. There was barely anyone there!

Marco, Raphael and Lorenzo were at college, they're triplets and still act like little boys.. so nothing new.

As I walk up the stairs, I feel my baby kick harder than usual... probably rolling around again. I sigh as I rub my tummy and walk through the hallways to Valentino's office.

I knock on the door once, as soon as I am about to place my hand on the knob, the door swings open to reveal my handsome husband.

His hair was just the way I liked it, messy, untamed curls, his dress shirt had a few buttons open and his sleeves rolled up to his elbow, showing off his delicious veins. Mmm

I snap out of my thoughts when Valentino grabs my hand and drags me to our bedroom. "Baby?" He doesn't reply. Instead he slams the door shut and smashes his lips against mine, sucking on my tongue softly. "Oh!" I moan softly as I melt into his arms.

He wraps his huge arms around my waist and kisses
down my throat. "V-Val... uhhh!" I moan softly as he suck, licks and bites my neck. He's definitely going leave a lot of hickeys! "Fuck..." He groans. He stops kissing me and inhales the scent of my hair. "You smell and taste delicious il mio mondo."
[translation - my world]

His words make me blush crazily. I probably looked like a tomato!

"What was that for?"

"Can I not kiss my wife?" I roll my eyes as he chuckles, "you're beautiful, I love you." He kisses me one last time before he decides to enter the bathroom.

"Do you want to have a bath or shower now? Or
tomorrow morning?" He says, unbuttoning his shirt,"Um now. I am going to shower. Are you going to shower now or after me?" He grins at my words. "Why don't we both have a shower now huh? It'll be a waste of water if we take separate showers." Oh you bastard! He smirks when he sees my reaction.

"Okay. But you better not try anything, I'm tired because of you and your son!" He raises an eyebrow and frowns, "what?" I ask, as I walk over to him.

"Me? I don't do anything to you other than make you wet...." He smirks.

"Valentino! Shut up!" I roll my eyes as I take off my tank dress, then my bra and panties. I throw them into the basket beside the counter top and waddle my way into the shower, which was big enough to fit at least 10 people in there.

I grab my strawberry scented shampoo, my body exfoliater, body wash and conditioner and place it onto the shelf beside me in the shower. I begin to shampoo my hair, spreading it all over my head until two familiar arms grip my hair and massages my scalp. "That feels good.." I mumble as I lazily lean my head back.

He gently washes out my hair and begins to apply the conditioner into the ends of my curls.
He kisses my shoulder once he's done before he washing himself.

I grab the body wash and gently apply some onto the loofah and I then start scrub my body. I wash my self down and decide it's time to get out.

I grab a towel from the shelves along the cabinets wrap my body and hair. I carefully walk towards our sinks hoping that I don't slip and I take out my skincare basket from one of the drawers, I decide to do a quick face mask, as I haven't done one for the past few weeks. I begin to apply the cold liquid onto parts of my face which have a few old blemishes.

One of the things I love about being pregnant is that my skin has been super glowy and clear which I was so greatful for because I did have acne before I was pregnant. But it was only a little.

I was also very jealous of Valentino's clear skin, even though he used super expensive products his skin was so clear and soft! Like a baby butt.

"Babe? Can you pass me a towel?" I snap out of my thoughts when I hear his voice and waddle towards the shelves to grab a towel. I waddle back to the shower and give him the towel.

"What's that on your face?" He asks, as he wraps himself. "It's a face mask." I reply.

"And what does it do?" He observes my face. "Uh it helps with texture and some of my blemishes. Do you want some?" I ask lifting up the product. He nods and I begin to apply it to his face.

After 10 minutes of wearing the mask, we wash it off and decide to head straight to bed after changing into our pyjamas. I lay on Val's bare chest as he massages my scalp, I begin to fall asleep slowly... the last words I hear are 'I love you'.

To be continued...

So I started school last month, which is mainly the reason why I've been gone. I don't know if I hate it or like. But the best part of going there is because I live exactly a 5 min walk from there so that's fun lol. Anyways love you all xoxo

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