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Aurora Romano's POV

It had been a week since Cassie visited and this whole time I had been thinking about it I should speak to Valentino or not.  I didn't want to but I knew I eventually had too for our son's sake.

I had contemplated calling or texting him but I stopped myself everytime. But I knew had to.

I enter my bedroom with a sigh, rubbing my forehead I walk into my closet and try to tackle the mess Gio had made earlier on.

A few hours later, I had cleaned the closet and showered, getting ready for bed. Gio was out with my brothers and papa - they had decided to have a boys day out, whilst mama and I stayed home and had a girls night.

I began undoing the sheets until suddenly I heard my phone ringing. I rush towards the desk, to see Valentino calling. Frowning, I pick it up.

"Hello?" His tone is soft but rough. "Hey." I tuck a strand of my wet hair behind my ear.

"How are you?" I hear a bit of rustling in the back. I am guessing he is at the office. "I'm okay... Gio's not here." He sighs, "I want to speak to you..." My eyebrow furrow.

"Valentino, I will get straight to the point. I can see that you're trying your hardest to fix our marriage. However, I still need time.." I say softly.  I tuck a strand of my hair behind my ear, before getting into my bed. Gio was sleeping with mama and papa tonight, so I didn't worry too much.

"I know but hear me out... please." He begs.

"I want to apologise for everything Aurora.. I'm not a good person, I know that very well. I hate myself for what I have done to our family and our son. You both do not deserve this.. but I can no longer stay away from you and my son. So please...please think about our marriage again and please forgive me. It can take weeks, months however long you want.. but baby please do not give up on me and on our marriage." He sounds like he is about to cry... his voice cracks as he speaks.

"Valentino.." I breathe out. "I need time.. you've broken my heart... you ruined our family.." Hot tears rush down my face, I silently cry to myself.

"Okay baby... I'll give you all the time in the world.. just don't give up on us.. I need you." He says. "I'll leave you to it.. bye for now."

I wake up to something wet on my face, I groan as I try to switch positions, however I am unable to because of a certain pair of chubby hands gripping on my hair. "Ow!" I rub the sleep out of my eyes to find a pair of green eyes staring right back at me. "Baby... who brought you here?" I mumble as I pull my little angel to my chest.

"Mama! M-ma!" He giggles as I place kisses all over his chubby face. "I missed you my angel."

He recently learnt how to say mama... I thought it would be dada since my stupid brothers say around him all the time. The first time he said mama, I cried.. it was my baby's first word!

I wanted to share my joy with Valentino but I couldn't.

I sigh as I pick little Gio up and perch him on my hip. "Let's go get breakfast." He babbles to himself as I kiss his forehead. He was almost one. His father had missed so many moments of the first year of his life. It hurt a lot. I would have never ever thought that my life would come to this.

As I walk down the stairs, I spot my father and eldest brother chatting away near the stairs. As I get closer to them my papa turns his head and smiles at our direction. "Ah! My grandson... give him to me." He says as he put his arms out for my baby but I turn away.

"Papa you've had him the whole day yesterday and you slept with him... let me have some time with my son." I say.

"Someone's in a mood." He scoffs as he flicks my forehead. I glare at him as I walk towards to the kitchen. I find mama preparing breakfast.

"Good morning mama." I say as I kiss her cheek. "Hi! Mi amor. Your son over here was such a good boy last night. Wasn't you baby!" She squeezes my little angel's cheeks as he giggles. God I loved him.

"I invited someone over for breakfast baby. Your father and I thought it would be nice to have them over." I didn't think much of it until Valentino Romano walked into the house with a bouquet of roses and a couple of bags in his hand.

My eyes widen as he walks in to kiss mama on the cheek and walks towards my direction. "Aurora.. hi." A smug grin plastered on his face. "Mama? Care to explain-"

Gio practically jumps out of my arms and reaches for his father. "Come to papa Gio." He takes my son out of my arms. He kisses Gio all over the face before turning towards me. "I... your father asked me to come over to fix things between us." I don't say anything and turn around to exit the room.

I needed time.. why couldn't they just understand?

I know their intentions were good but I just needed more space and time away from him.

I walk into my bedroom and head towards the shower. I spend at least half an hour in the shower before heading towards my closet.

As I begin to change into my clothes, I hear a knock on the door. "Who is it?" I shout out.

The door opens to reveal my mother, I turn my head away as I begin to comb through my wet hair. "Mama I don't want to speak to you right now. Please leave." I say, "hear me out baby, please." I sigh as I walk out of the closet and sit beside mama on the bed.

"He's begged us so many times baby." She starts.

"He has spammed out phones these past few months.. ever since you left him. At first we didn't listen but he constantly called and he even turned up a few times when you were out with Gio. I genuinely think he is sorry and I know what he did was disgusting but he loves you so much and we all can see that." She says as she kisses my forehead.

"But mama I need space from him.. he even called me last night but I told him I wanted time but he decided to turn up-"

"But we invited him over.. he told us what had happened but we told him it's best if you guys fix this issue." She cuts me off.

"I can tell him to leave, but the man is obsessed with his child. He doesn't let him out of his sight." She says. "Bella, it is your choice, whenever you are ready come down and eat. Do not starve yourself." She strokes my head and leaves.

I decide to fix myself up, before going down.

Time to face the devil.

Hey! It's been so so so long... nearly two years? But I'm back! Cant wait to share what I have in store for you guys Xoxo

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