twenty one

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Valentino Romano POV

I kiss my son's forehead softly as I held him  tightly on my lap. He had recently started speaking a few words. His first word was 'mama'... God I was furious. Aurora and I had always fought over what our babies first word would be and I guess she won the bet.

I sigh as my gorgeous wife enters the living room with a simple white dress and sandals on. Her hair was tied in a low bun and her face make up was free. I watch as she walks towards my son and I with a frown on her face.

"I need to feed him." She says, avoiding my gaze. I nod as I watch her take him out of lap and head towards the kitchen.

"So Valentino, I have heard that you want to fix your marriage with my little girl." I turn my head towards her father. I nod as I begin, "I have made a lot of mistakes in our marriage. This being the worst of all." He nods, and sighs.

"Look Valentino, my daughter has been through so much because of you but I know that you love and her and she does too a lot. Although she will not admit it, she misses you and the only person that can fix your marriage is you. It is not my place to forgive you. I too have cheated in the past but my wife forgave me too. I cheated after Christian was born.. and till this day it has been I regret it." He sighed softly as he took a sip of his whiskey. I was utterly shocked.

The man who showed so much love and affection to his wife in public had.. cheated?

"All you have to do is ask.. beg for her forgiveness. These women are stubborn especially Aurora, God she's the most stubborn woman ever. But I know she will forgive you.. just keep trying." I chuckle softly. I knew what he meant. My wife was so stubborn.. everything had to be her way or she'd go mad.

She was my crazy wife after all.

I nod as I excuse myself. I walk into the kitchen to find Aurora feeding Gio. "Mama loves you so much baby boy! You're such a good boy aren't you?" She kisses his forehead as she feeds him. I smile at the sight.

I missed them so much.

"Aurora." I say, as I step forward. She looks back at me as she tucks a stray piece of hair behind her ear. "I want to take you both out.. today." I say. I wait for her response. "Okay but..." she pauses.

"Only for Gio." I nodded eagerly. "We can go whenever you want shopping, spa-"

"Anything where Gio will enjoy Valentino. This is for him not for me..." she cuts me off, wiping Gio's mouth and pick him up from the high chair. I nod.

"I will go get the car ready... you get him ready and yourself." I walk out of the kitchen letting out a sigh.


Who would've thought she would be willing to be going out with me again after everything?

"Say daddy Gio! Da-ddy!" My son stares up at me blankly. I had been trying to get him to daddy the whole day but he'd just stare up at him, expressionless.

This boy was utterly obsessed with Aurora, and I didn't blame him because I was too.

Like father, like son, I guess.

I sigh softly as I wait for my wife to return to us. She had gone into one of the cafes near by to pick up some snacks for Gio. We had taken a walk in the park together and enjoying the peace of the Mother Nature surrounding us.

It was still quite warm here in New York, therefore, I had to take the opportunity to take my wife and son out.

I knew Aurora hated the winter, if I had asked her to come out on a winters day, she would refuse.

I guess I was lucky.

We were seated at a bench with tables in front of us. Soon enough, my wife had arrived with some food for Gio.

My little man had a big appetite just like his father.

"So..." I began. "Can we talk?" She nods as she takes off her cardigan and hangs it onto the pram. "Yeah.." she says softly as she takes a bite into the apple, she has just bought.

"I want to start over Aurora.. I want to forget the past and move forward with you and our son." I pause trying to figure her out. She lets out a sigh.

"I do too but I just don't trust you. It'll take time but.. I can forgive you for the sake of our baby boy." I nod.

"Thank you so much. You don't know how much this means to me." I say as I reach for her unoccupied hand. I stroke the back of her hands softly, looking into her eyes.

"However just because  I have forgiven you, it does not mean everything is fine between us."
She says.

"I don't trust you and until you can prove to me that you have changed and become better for us.. I don't want you to constantly call papa or mama and ask them if they could sort out our issues
for us." She says sternly. I don't say anything.

"This is our marriage, a marriage that you chose to ruin. So do not involve my family or your family because this is your mistake that you have to mend and until you can prove to me you have changed I do not want to constantly hear you asking me to fix things."

Fuck. This woman was stubborn.

"You know how sorry I am Aurora, and I will do anything and everything to change myself. I... I've been going to therapy. I also want us to try couples therapy with you... of course you don't have to but-" she cuts me off.

"Okay." She says.

"Really.. I mean you don't have to. It was just a suggestion." I ramble.

Fuck this woman had me stumbling over my words.

She made me feel like a bitch at times.

"We can try to mend our relationship. I don't want Gio growing up without his father around and knowing his parents aren't together..."

Did this mean this mean she was willing to give us another chance?

I nod. "I can book a session anytime you want... just let me know." She nods as she finishes off her apple. I had finished feeding Gio, his cookies and banana.

We had left the park a little after noon. I had dropped off my wife and son back her mothers, as she was staying there for help with Gio.

I unbuckled Gio, out of his car seat and walk towards the house with his bag slung over my shoulder.

I walk my wife and son to the front door. As I hand my son over to my wife, I hear a quiet "dada." I look down at my son, and kiss his forehead. I practically holler... holy fuck.

"Say it again Gio! Da-da!" I smile at him. I look at Aurora to find a small smile playing on her face too.

"Dada." He says. "Yes! Dada!" I kiss his chubby face and cheeks before handing him over to his mother.

"See you soon..." she says as she enters the mansion. I smile softly before turning away to my car...

Hi, thank you for being patient with me. I am going to try to update twice a month because uni is getting 2 me!!

Not edited btw

Anyways love you all, happy Ramadan and Free Palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸!!!!!

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