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Valentino Romano's POV

"Will you be able to come around 2:30pm with Maria?... sì... grazie... non voglio che sia sola... sì mamma. I will send Romeo to pick you and Maria up okay ciao. I love you."

Hanging up the phone, setting it up on one of the shelves in Aurora and I's closet. I pinch the bridge of my nose.

I sigh and grabbed myself a pair of grey slacks and a white button up dress shirt. I had work today and I honestly didn't want to leave Aurora alone today, so I called up my mother and sister to stay with her whilst I was at work.

After getting dressed, I walked into the bathroom, catching a glance of Aurora still sleeping on the way. A smile comes up on my face when I see her cuddle into my pillow.  She has always been obsessed my scent for some reason.

She's so adorable.

She is probably going to sleep past lunch, so I make a reminder to text my mother to make her some lunch.

I quickly styled my hair so I looked somewhat presentable, then I turned off the lights in the bathroom and walked over to Aurora's sleeping body and planted a kiss on her lips, making her smile faintly in her sleep and mumble something under her breath.


Aurora Romano

The first thing I notice when I wake up is Valentino is not beside me. I sigh and reach for my phone on the nightstand. I rub my eyes and call Val.

I wait a while for him to pick and eventually he does,
"Hi baby," I heard some chatter in the back ground, "Val where are you?" I mumble.

"Morning, I had to leave early morning for work, something came up up." Oh. I frown rubbing my tummy softly, feeling my baby boy kicking more than usual.

"Oh, I'm sorry for disturbing you," I sit up and yawn
"It's okay my love, I'll make it up to you when I get home today. Maria and my mother are coming to our house later on, so you don't feel lonely."

"Oh, thank you... I love you Val," I smile softly, rubbing my tummy. "I love you more baby."

We chat for a while before he has goes into his meeting. "Okay, I will see you at home.. if you need anything please call me or tell Maria or my mother. I love you... bye."

"Love you too." I hang up the phone and place it on the bed before going to the bathroom.

I do my business and then I decide to change into some comfortable clothes instead of staying in shorts all day. My outfit consists of a sports bra, a long cardigan and maternity leggings.

I put on my slippers and head downstairs.

Just as I was about to walk into the kitchen the front door bell rings. I rush towards the door and open it.

As soon as I open the door, I am immediately pulled into a hug. "Mama! Be careful she is pregnant!" Maria scolds her mother, Eleanor.  She lets me go and turns to Maria "Oh shut up Maria. Stupid," she scowls at Maria and then smiles at me.

"Hello my angel! Look at you! You're glowing, you look so beautiful!" She smiles and kisses my cheek.
"Hey," I smile awkwardly and I hug Maria. "Girl, you look fine as fuuuck with your belly and all. I am so jealous ugh!"

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