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Aurora Romano's POV

Hand in hand we walk towards the pool, I take a seat beside Val on the lounge chairs and begin to apply sunscreen on my face. "Val, can you help me?" He nods before taking the lotion out of my hands.

He begin to untie the knot of my bra and begins to apply the lotion on my back. "Babe? Can you put it on my legs as well..." he nods kissing my shoulder blade before quietly getting off the chair and kneeling down.

"All done." He kisses my lips softly, "Do you need help?" He shakes his head, "I'm okay baby," I nod and sigh, before laying back on the lounge chair.

I rest my sore body for a while, whilst Valentino works on his laptop beside me. He's been stressed out about something and I'm not really sure what it is about... all I know is that it is related to the Mafia.

After a while, I sigh softly, and decide to get in the pool. I hold my tummy and lift my self up. "Val are you going to get in?" I ask as I dip my legs into the pool. Ahh. It feels so nice and cool.

"No baby, not now." I nod and sit there until the sunsets, Valentino eventually joins me and cuddle into me. He sits down infront of me, on one of the steps and lays his head on my chest.

I run my fingers through his hair, whilst he massages my tummy. Mmm that feels so good.

It reminded me of the times where Valentino and I had sex nearly every single day - three to four times a day. And then he would massage my legs for a good hour.

"Babe! I'm so sore, my legs hurt so much because of you!" I whine, stretching my shaky, sore body. Valentino had taken me 3 times this afternoon. It's all we've been doing since we've woken up.

Sleep, Sex, Eat, Sleep.... and the cycle continued.

I lay on my side watching Valentino enter the bathroom and  chuckle at me.

"It's not funny Val, if you keep having sex with me, I'm going to die or something! Because I have a fiancé who won't stop being horny!" I cry out.

"Amore, è buffo. Just means I did my job correctly because your whole body is shaking and you are sore. I told you I wouldn't let you walk for a week!"

"Vaaaaal, Please massage my legs! I'll give you a blow job everyday for a week... I promise." I smirk as he walks over to me with a pair of joggers hanging low down his waist... showing off his V-line.

"You sure?" He smirks as he grabs me and pulls me closer to him. My naked breasts pressed against his wet chest. "Mhmmm." I wrap my arms around his neck and press my lips against his...

I blush at the thought of it, I mean we would go off like rabbits.

whenever... wherever...

I guess being pregnant has a lot of pros and cons... I was the one always horny... I mean how couldn't I be? I had a sexy, handsome husband who had a face of a Greek God.

The most perfect plump lips, a slim nose, long... long eyelashes and the most perfect body and tanned skin. I was super jealous of his beauty. He looked good all the time. Whilst I looked like a huge whale... I would dress in the most unattractive clothing.

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