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Valentino Romano's POV

I watch my wife buckle up our son. My little Gio. He had grown up so much in the span of  a few months. He was now walking... the last time I had seen him was a few weeks ago in Aurora's home, where she'd practically kicked me out. I deserved that.

I sigh as I start the engine of my car. I needed to make sure that Ikalos does not get to her. His grandfather had betrayed my grandfather back when he was the Italian mafia leader. Since then their family has wanted revenge. The Rubio familia.

They wanted to take over the mafia world and be the most powerful family, which wouldn't ever be possible as my familia has gained more power and are stronger than ever.

I needed to keep my wife and son safe and I could only do so if she had let me back into their lives. Although, I didn't deserve it, I needed to protect them both. I couldn't let him get to them before I do.

I followed my wife home to their new apartment. I kept at a safe distance because I did not want her to know I was following them otherwise well.... She'd kill me. Like actually.

I knew she hated me but I couldn't help myself. I need them safe. More than ever now. I waited until she actually turned on the living room lights in the apartment. I could see pretty much a lot from where I was since the window in the living area was quite big.

Something she did not know was that I had bought the very apartment she was living in for $3.2million cheap, right?

Once I know they are safe, I drive off to my new penthouse. I couldn't stand living in our old penthouse. I had sold it to someone else because it had all the horrible yet good memories in it.

As soon as I enter the house, I make my way upstairs to take a shower and then get to work. I had so many drug shipments to Mexico because I had just recently signed a contract with them in order for the to officially become our allies. I was glad that Santiago Salvatorre had agreed to the contract as they were also another powerful Mafia.

I would gain so much more power and have them to protect and be by our sides.

I make my way into my newly built office which had a large portrait of Aurora, Gio and I. We were such a happily family.. until I had ruined it with that stupid affair with Cassia.

I had finally gotten rid of her. I was blackmailed by puttana and her padre. They seem to have come up with a plan to also ruin this Mafia which they must delusional because this Mafia will always be the most powerful Mafia ever.

Soon after a few years, Giovanni Matteo Romano would officially become Mafia king when he turns 18. I hadn't spoken about it to Aurora but I knew she would be against it, but this was my life. This is our life.

I had taken over my fathers place instead of my younger brothers at the age of 20. Although it was hard to manage, I had to make our family proud.

As I sit down in my chair, I stare at the pictures scattered all around my desk. Pictures of Aurora, before we had gotten married, our wedding day, pictures of us, Aurora laying in the hospital bed etc.
I smile softly at the picture of her feeding me ice cream. God we were so happy...

I would do anything for Aurora and our son... if take a bullet for them in a heartbeat. I failed as a son, a father and most of all a husband to my beautiful , gorgeous wife.

Aurora Romano's POV

I wake up to the sound of knocking on the front door. Fuck . It had been a long night, Gio
would not sleep at all because he was teething. I had only gotten him to sleep not too long ago.

I lazily roll over on the bed, as I walk towards the door I almost trip over a few toys thrown onto the floor. I groan as I make my way towards the door.
I open to find someone I'd never expect. Cassia.

I go to shut the door but she stops me with my foot. "Aurora please let me explain..." she says.

"So?" I say, as I pull Gio's little body closer to me. "Your son is very cute... he looks just like Val- Valentino I mean." I thank her... "can you hurry please? I want to go back to bed." I say as she puts her bag down. A birkin? I'm guessing Valentino Romano bought it for her.

She had continued by telling me the story of her meeting Valentino. How they had the affair and whatnot.

"I just wanted to let you know that Valentino and I have not been seeing each other for a while now. And before you ask, he hasn't come to see me since-well way before you had given birth." I nod letting her know she could continue.

"I wanted to apologise to you. I'm sorry. I know what I did was disgusting and inhumane but... I couldn't help myself - not that that is an excuse to what I have done." I sigh softly. "I don't know what to say... I-I don't think I can forgive you. It'll take me a while to.. but for now thank you I guess."

"I know you hate us both but please listen to Valentino's side of the story before you make any decisions." I nod as I get up to escort her out.

"Thanks but I will think about it." She nods before saying, "I won't bother you guys ever. I'll stay away from you both. I ruined a lot and I deeply regret it. If you can please forgive me." I nod as she leaves with a tear running down her cheek.

What the fuck just happened?

To be continued...

HA! Sorry for the cliffhanger x

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