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Aurora Romano's POV

"You do know that we can't keep calling him 'baby'?"
Valentino says as he shoves a piece of lasagne into his mouth, I smile at his manly behaviour.

"I know, I thought of a few names, it's been on my mind for a while now.." he raises an eyebrow.

"I think Giovanni Matteo Romano would be perfect for him, I mean he does look like a Giovanni and we could call him Gio for short?" He smiles as he kisses me.

"it's perfect baby." I look down at Giovanni sleeping in his Moses basket.

My little angel.

"Giovanni, how perfect." I smile as I chew on a piece of pasta. "When are your parents coming?" I say, as Valentino and I's family were super happy for us and gushed about the baby looking more like Valentino than I.

Which was what I had hoped for, I mean the man was insanely gorgeous. Drop dead gorgeous, with his Italian features and sexy manliness.

I blush at the thought of it.

"I'm not sure baby, I'll call Alessio in a bit." I smile nodding before getting comfy in the bed. I sigh looking up at the ceiling, I felt so blessed and happy to be around people I love.

I hope that it lasted forever...

He kisses me on the lips before throwing away our rubbish into the trash. I felt my Gio stir in my arms, I look beside my at the clock, it was his feeding time.
I unbutton the two buttons on the strap of my hospital gown and pull it down, unclipping my nursing bra strap and lining my nipple to my Gio's mouth.

He happily drinks and I feed him until he is all full and content. Valentino watches us both with adoration in his eyes.

I love him so much.

He catches me staring at him, throwing a wink at my way, which makes me blush once again.

I sigh as I rub my eyes, I was so tired. Valentino and I's family had come over and were here for the whole day yesterday. They'd left really late last night, and I hadn't napped at all throughout the day.

Four days later...

We were finally able to go home today. I pick up Gio and placing him into the car seat, Val and I had bought a few months back.

My little Gio looked exactly like his papa, which I was a little jealous of but he is a little handsome boy. Valentino walks into the room, grabbing the bags. "You ready?" I nod before putting on my coat and holding balloons that our families had gifted our baby boy.

Valentino grabs the car seat, and leaves the room. I follow behind him, but I walk very slowly because I'm still sore from the pushing, although I was feeling much better but didn't have as much pain as a few days ago. The doctors allowed me to go home early too.

We arrived home half an hour later, and was instantly greeted by the delicious smell of homemade pasta. My belly rumbled loudly, I was also very tired but I needed to eat as I hadn't eaten at all today. I enter the kitchen to find mama and a beautiful woman sitting on the kitchen island.

"Mama?" I walk towards her and hug her tightly. "Oh my angel! Where is my little grandson?" She says kissing my cheeks. "Valentino took him upstairs." She nods, "I made you pasta, amor, would you like some?" I nod and take a seat on the kitchen island.

"Hi! I'm Cassia. I was just talking to your mother about life and whatnot. I heard that you and Tino had your baby, so I just wanted to stop by and see him. If you don't mind?"


"Uh I'm not really sure right now because we just came back from the hospital, and he's sleeping right now. Could you come back another day, I'm sorry." I say, she nods and smiles. "Don't worry! It's okay, I'm going to go now. Can you tell Tino that I was here?" I nod softly and smiled at her.

She walks off swaying her hips side to side. I sigh before turning my attention to mama.

Valentino Romano

I lay on the bed for a while, exhausted. I don't know how Aurora did it. I watch over our son, before exiting the room. I look down at my phone, scrolling through messages and whatnot until I bump into a short figure. "Ow!" I snap my head towards the voice. Cassia?

What the fuck.

I roughly grab her by her arm, "Why the fuck are you here?" I hiss. "Babe! I came to see the baby, can I see him please." She pouts and pecks my lip. I push her away. "What the fuck do you think you're doing in my fucking house when my wife is here?! Get the fuck out of my house bitch!" I push her away harshly, grabbing her by her hair and dragging her down the stairs. "Get out!" I say.

"Valentino? What's wrong?" I look over to Aurora, I walk towards her kissing her cheek, "nothing babe."

"Cassia, I think her name is, came to see the baby but I told her to come back later because we're all tired." My eyes widen slightly, what the fuck. "No. I don't want her back here ever again or near us."

"But why-"

"Aurora I said no." I say, sighing. I walk upstairs and into my office, calling up Milo and Elijah to keep an eye on Cassia. The bitch had the audacity to walk into my wife and I's home.

I had to get rid of her as soon as possible and I would do anything to fix the mistakes that I've made.

To be continued...

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