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Aurora Romano 's POV

I wake up to find myself sleeping in Valentino's arms. Gio was laying, deeply asleep on his chest. His mouth wide open and his little body sprawled across Valentino's chest.

I groan as I roll over, why the fuck was my head hurting so much? I lay there submerged into my thoughts. W-was he cheating on me all this time? Was everything we had a...lie? Why would he do that, I thought we were happy...?

Tears prick my eye, how could he? After everything we went through. I get out of the bed and head straight into our closet. I think it's best if we take a break in our relationship. I know I'm acting fast without asking any questions but my mind was telling me this was the right thing to do.

I take a duffel bag and luggage out, and begin to pack essentials that Gio and I would need. Where would I go though? To mum and dads? To my brothers? I don't know.

I felt numb.

I've never been cheated on before and I-

"Aurora?" I hear a familiar voice call out, I wipe my tears and continue to pack whatever I needed. He approaches the closet and looks around at the mess but specifically me and the bags. "Where are you going?" He says. I ignore him and pick myself up from the floor, not wanting to be here anymore.

"I don't want to be here anymore." I say as I push past him. I set the bags on floor and take Gio out of the room to his nursery. "Aurora, I'm not fucking playing around anymore. What the fuck is going on?" He rushes towards me before practically dragging me back into our bedroom. He pushes me onto the bed, not in a way that could hurt me.

"You've been ignoring me since yesterday! I haven't said anything about it yet because you are not well. But I've had enough. Why the fuck are you avoiding me what the fuck did I do!?" He roars in anger, brushing hand through his hair.

"You dare ask me what you have done! You know what you fucking did. You kissed Cassia on live TV." I breathe out loudly, fat tears running down my cheek. "Y-you-" I cry. I sob. How can he?

"N-no you've seen it all wrong, baby, no you got to believe me.I wanted it to stop before it got too far and it did!" He says, he sits on his knees holding both our hand together. "No... you... cheated on me- still are. God knows how long this relationship has been going on." I cry out. I let go of his hands and stand up from the bed.

"I- I need a break from this marriage. I don't want I nor my son to be here." I say. I wipe my tears and pick up Gio from the bed. "Aurora! Please listen to me." His voice cracks but I ignore him and drag the suitcase and place the duffel bag on my shoulder.

I stumble towards the door and make my way to the elevator, "Aurora! Please let me explain baby. You've got it all wrong" He grabs onto my arm, I attempt to shove him away but his grip on my arm is hard.

"Let me go! I don't want to listen to what you want to say. I need a break from you. I-I need to leave." He watches me shock. "If you follow me I won't ever forgive you." I walk into the elevator and watch his face fall as the doors shut. I hold Gio close to me, wiping my tears with his little blanket. It's just me and him now...

I walk into the hotel room, after checking in. The gentleman carries Gio and I's belongings into the room and places it down before greeting me goodbye. I take off our shoes and coats, and lay Gio on the bed.

I've been sitting down in Central Park thinking about what I would do next. I didn't want to tell anyone what I'd seen.. the whole world has probably seen it now. I've ignored all of my family's texts and his family's too. I didn't want to speak to anyone right now.

I hoped that Valentino didn't find us because I wasn't ready to face him... at all. To be honest I didn't even know how to- I don't know what to say. I-I'm so shocked... I feel numb.

My whole world, my whole life was taken away from me... how could he...? I thought we would be together... forever... it's always been our forever.

I look down at my beautiful boy, as he sucks greedily from my breast, I stroke his chubby, red cheek softly... "I love you baby so so much."

To be continued...

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