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Aurora Romano's POV

I stare blankly outside the large window. It's been a few days since the day I left Valentino, and I didn't regret it at all. I had told mama everything that had happened, and today she will be visiting today.

I wrap Gio in a warm blanket, tightly. It was getting colder in New York and soon it would start to snow. I had just finished breastfeeding him and changing him. My baby was a mama's boy.

I snap out of my thoughts when the telephone starts to ring, I immediately pick it up. "Hi miss, there's somebody claiming to be your mother." One of the staff say. "Yeah please send her up." I wipe away my tears, I huff as I fix up my face.

I put on a fake smile before turning away and opening the room for mama. Her beautiful face puts ears into my eyes. I watch her throw her arms around me and that was it.

I burst into tears, sniffling like crazy. I held onto mama's dress, I probably was ruining it. "It's okay baby. Let it all out." She coos. I wipe my tears and hug her. She whispers nothing but sweet words to me.

Eventually, I get out of her hold and take her into our bedroom - Giovanni and I's. We talk about the whole situation and she even offered me to come live with her and papa for a while - to which I eventually agreed on and thought would be best for me and my son.

Mama helps me pack my things and calls a driver to take us back to my old home. "Aurora, I have already asked your papa to build a nursery for my grandson. Is that okay with you?" I nod my head, "I do want him to sleep beside me at night. When he has naps and whatnot I'll use the nursery mama. Thank you." I lay my head on her shoulder, as she kisses my forehead.

We arrive to the house in less than an hour. Papa and Mama had decided to buy a house, somewhere where there weren't many people. I grew up in this home with my brothers.

I walk into my old bedroom with Gio in my arms, he coos a little before letting out a frustrated cry. He was probably tired. I lay him on the bed and start to take off his little onesie, I shift his little head onto a pillow. However, he protests. He begins to cry on the top of his lungs.

"Oh baby, what's wrong?" I lift him up and place his little head on my chest, rocking him back and forth. "Why are you crying my love?" I watch him quieten a little and reaches for my breast. "Oh you're hungry? But I just fed you." I coo.

After feeding Gio, I'd decided to get settled in and then give him a bath. I didn't bring much with me other than clothes and other necessities such as toiletries etc.

My guess was that papa and my brothers were not at home because I hadn't heard them at all. Mama had left a while ago to pick up a few things for me, so it was only just me and Giovanni.

I sigh as I put away the last piece of clothing away in my closet. Today was a long day and I really couldn't wait to just sleep. I hadn't eaten all day, so I had to whisk up something.

I was bored out of my mind, so I look for my phone. After days of ignoring texts and whatnot from people, it's time that I face my fears.

200 messages from Valentino
70 missed call from Valentino

15 missed calls from Athena
70 messages from Athena

10 missed calls from Papa

5 missed calls from Alessio

I'd gotten a dozen missed calls and texts from his family alongside mine. I'd decided to call up Athena to tell her where I was and that she could come meet me when she was free. I hadn't replied to anyone from Valentino's family.

Although they had nothing to do with his cheating scandal, I decided to ignore them for a while until I felt... better?

I had thrown away my whole future and life for a bastard. I knew I had made a huge mistake getting married so young, to a man that I've known for only a year.

Maybe this was the universe telling me that me and Valentino are not meant to be. I needed to let things go and become independent and strong for my son.

I needed a new fresh start and I had to do it on my own, without Valentino and his family. I pick up my phone and throw it against the wall in anger. It smashed into pieces and I was happy it did.
crazy and for karma to hit him back like a bitch.

To be continued...

Short but that's what makes it fun!

Happy new year guys!❤️

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