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Aurora Romano's POV

"I-I, We gotta get you to the hospital now babe." Valentino rushes off the sofa grabbing his phone to call either someone upstairs or the ambulance.

I hear footsteps coming towards us, "Why are you speaking so loudly? I'm trying to sleep bro! Go fuck somewhere else." Vicenté rubs his eyes as he slowly approches us. "My waters broke! I need to get to the hospital now!!" I yell as I cry out in pain.

"What the fuck?!"

"Go wake everyone up, grab the bags from upstairs and come to the hospital. We'll meet you there." Valentino carries me out in bridal style. Slipping on his sliders before grabbing his keys from the table.

"Ohhhh it hurts so much." I moan in pain, grabbing onto the handle of my hospital bed. We'd been for over an hour now, and no sign of the baby coming

This baby boy really did not want to come out yet.

"Babe, I got you some more ice chips." Athena walks into the room, with a shawl over her shoulders. I grab the cup from her and stretch my legs out completely.

Valentino sits beside me caressing the hair, whilst are family is half asleep on the couches and in the waiting room outside.

"Baby, it'll be over soon." I push his hand away, shoving a loaded spoon of ice chips in my hand. Holy fuck. Who knew having a baby would be so painful?!
"Asshole. It's all your fault." I say, sighing which makes everyone in the room burst out laughing.

I groan as the baby kicks harder than ever. "Oh my god!" I roll over dropping the ice chips. I grab on Valentino's hand. "Ow! Oh my, this boy is going to be the death of me."

An hour later, the doctor comes into the room. "Hello, I will be needing everyone to leave the room except for the baby's father." Everyone leaves after giving me good lucks and kisses. tired, and exhausted I slumped on the bed.

"Okay mama, I need to check the baby and how many centimetres you are dilated." She proceeds to put on her gloves on and does whatever she needed to do. "So you are 9 and half centimetres dilated angel. I think we will begin to prepare you. I will need to take you to a bigger room. So you will be able to have your mama here as well." I nod as two nurses
push me out of the room.

Valentino stays quiet and by my side the whole time.
They do what they need to as I sat there nervous, and scared.

"Mama we will need you to start pushing." I push as I could. Holding tight onto Val's hand. I push and push for the next half hour. "I can't do it!" I cry out. "Yes you can, you're nearly done baby." I cry out as I push even harder.

I feel the baby's weight exit my body, "Oh!" I pant out as I slumped back. "Valentino kisses my forehead whispering beautiful things into my ears.
"I'm so proud of you baby." I watch as the nurses call out Valentino's name for him to cut the umbilical cord.

I watch his with blurry eyes, as soon as he's done he carries my baby boy towards me.

"He's so beautiful..." He kisses the baby's cheeks, inhaling his scent. I watch him with adoration. He's a natural.

"Can I see him?" He nods placing my angel into my arms. I gasp at his adorable face. I love him already so much.

To be continued...

Baby Romano is here! I wonder what will happen next?🤔🤭

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