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Aurora Romano's POV

"Oh my god! He's walking! Mama! Papa! He's walking!!" I exclaim as I quickly snap a few photos of Gio taking his first steps. I smile at my beautiful baby, kissing his chubby, red cheeks. "My baby. I am so proud of you angel!" I lift him off the floor and kiss him all over the face.

"Oh my! It's my favourite nephew! Come here to uncle." My eldest brother says as he practically pulls him off of me. I roll my eyes before taking a sip of my lemonade. "He is your only nephew." Mama slaps the back off his head before picking up a magazine.

"Christian!! Help me sort out your clothes." He rolls his eyes as he sighs. "Amor you do not need to do that." He rushes off to his girlfriend, Leila. "Mama. Will you help me pack the rest of my things?" She nods. "Let's go amor."

Four hours later, we are packed and ready. I look around my old bedroom reminiscing the past. Oh the memories. I sigh as I close the closet door.
I make my way down the stairs to find the night Valentino Romano, holding my-our son in his arms.

What the fuck!

"Mama! Why is he here?" I say, I reach to grab my son from him. But I fail to. "Amor, listen to him. He has been trying to tell you the truth for the past month. I hate him as much as you do baby, but there is a child involved. Think about your son." She says as she kisses my cheek and walks off.

"Why are you here?" I say, angrily. He looks at me for a second and then kissed my sons cheek before continuing. "I am here to take you and my son home." He says. I look at him shocked.

"Nuh-uh-uh, my son and I are moving into our new home. So you can fuck off with your fake sorry." I say as I snatch Gio from his arms. "Aurora. I am simply here to speak to you about- never mind just please listen to me." I shake my head.

"No. I told you, you're only allowed to contact me for our son only. Nothing else." I say as I walk off.

"Aurora! Please for fuck sake listen to me." I hear his muffled voice as I walk into the living room to find Mama and Rita were chatting. "Mama! Why did you let him in?" I say sternly.

"Aurora, amor listen to the man. He has been calling me non stop to speak to you amor." Mama says as she sighs. I shake my head.

"I've had enough mama. Maybe it's time for me to leave now." I say as I begin to walk away. I was sick and tired, I didn't want to listen to the bullshit he wanted to say. I needed time away from him, I didn't want to speak to him now.

If my father and my brothers saw him, I knew it wouldn't end good...

"Oh papa! I'm only going to be a ten minute drive from here." I say as I lay my head on his chest. "I know angel, but you're my little girl!" He says as he pouts. "It's okay papa you can visit us anytime." I say as I buckle up Gio in his car seat.

I had found an apartment a little over ten minutes from my parents home. I couldn't wait to be settled in, I had chosen new furniture and whatnot for my new home. I had gone for a black, grey and white them because they were my favourite colours.

I turn the key into the bolt and enter my new home. It was already completed within a matter of a few months. I really wanted this to Gio and I's forever home.

I sigh as I make my way into our new bedroom. Gio and I were sharing a bedroom for now as his nursery was still not completed as of yet. I still needed to put up his crib and add a few more bits and pieces. I place a sleep Giovanni on the bed, securing him with the pillows around him. I need to do a lot and I could only do what I wanted with Gio sleeping.

My family were all busy and Athena wasn't going to be back in New York until next week, as she had to go back to see her family in Greece. That was why I did not have any help available.

I decide to start with Gio's room as it needed much more cleaning than the rest of the rooms.

By the time Gio woke up and I had completed whatever I need to do in his room, it was already 6PM. I wanted to go out for dinner as I was craving a juicy burger. I get myself ready into a cute floral dress that had yellow and pink flowers imprinted on it and my little baby in a pair of blue jeans and a jumper that said 'mama's little man.' I cooed at my little handsome baby. He was such a beautiful baby.

I make my way with my son to the car - my old car. Papa had gifted me this car when I was 17. My first ever baby. I drive to my favourite place, 'Lola's Diner' as I would always order food from here when I was pregnant.

After I am done eating, I make my way straight home as I was super tired. I couldn't wait for what tomorrow held because I knew I had lots to get done.

As soon I get home, I place Gio into his little crib that I had placed next to my bed. I had bought an extra crib as I knew he was quite fussy and liked to move from one place to another until he was comfortable. I take off my clothes and change into my pyjamas. As soon as my head hits the pillow, I'm off to my dream land.

To be continued...

Not edited, but hey.

Thank you for 101k on this book, I'm so shocked rn.

Thank you, and I love you all.

Ps. What apps do you all use to edit book covers because I need to know asap. One with good font styles please!

-Aurora 🌺

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