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Aurora Romano's POV

After we're done eating, Valentino and I decide to go shopping to buy a few more things for the baby and his room, now that we know his gender.

I couldn't wait to tell both our families!

Valentino's family lived in here in New York, just an hour away from our home. The visit at least once in a month.

Val has three younger brothers - Alessio, Alexander, Vincenté and one younger sister - Maria. Maria and I are very close, she's like the sister I never had.

Valentino's parents, Damien and Eleanor treated me as their own daughter, I loved them both like I love my parents.


Valentino and I got home quiet late, it was already eleven pm and I was exhausted and sore again...

I decided to take a bath and then I changed into one of my favourite silk robes, which ended just above my knees.

I walked back into our bedroom and tucked my self into bed and cuddled into Valentino, he instantly wrapped his arms around my waist and stroked my hair softly.

I fell asleep listening to his heartbeat.

The next day...

Valentino didn't go to work today, because he wanted to spend some time with me at home. We both were doing the baby's nursery today me, I was super excited.

"Val? Can you help me with the bassinet please?"

Valentino and I had been working on the baby's nursery since noon. It was currently 5pm and we still had lots to do. "Coming babe!"

We finish putting the bassinet beside our bed and then decided to take a break because I was so tired.
I went into the closet and changed into a two piece bikini. I wanted to go to the pool. I hadn't been there in so long.

After I changed, I went to ask Valentino to join me but he was on the phone with someone.

I sigh and grab a towel and sunscreen and head towards the pool. I take a seat on one one the lounge chairs and apply sunscreen onto my my body.

I sigh and lay down, rubbing tummy softly. "Hi my love, mama loves already so much. Daddy and I can't wait to have you in our arms, I love you so much my baby angel." I mumble and carry on rubbing my tummy. I smile when I feel my baby kicking again, I think he likes when I speak to him.

I close my eyes and before I know it I'm asleep.

"Bella?" He shouts

"Where are you baby?... Aurora?" A familiar voice wakes me from my sleep. "Mmm, Val?" I mumble.

Oh. I had fallen asleep on the lounge chair beside the pool.

I rub the sleep from my eyes and stand up carefully, holding my tummy. "Hey you, I was looking for you." I look behind me and see Valentino standing in the doorway. "Oh I'm sorry."

"You fell asleep." I nod and wrap my arms around his waist. He strokes my hair and rubs my tummy.

"Still tired?" He chuckles and kisses my forehead. I nod and yawn. "Yes. This baby is making me exhausted." I sigh and pull back a little. "I'm sorry baby. It will all be over soon." He pecks my lips and intertwines our fingers together.

We walk into our home and up to our bedroom.
We both take a shower together, I change into a pair of spandex shorts and a sports bra. I felt uncomfortable in normal clothing so I either wear shorts and a sports bra nowadays.

We go back downstairs start preparing dinner. "Mm Lasagna or Pasta?" Valentino leans against the counter. His muscles flexing.


"Lasagna please." I smile.

His lasagne is the best.

"Mhm. Okay, anything for my babies." I giggle and kiss his cheek. He grabs everything he needs and starts to prepare everything.

"So about the baby shower..." Valentino starts, "should we have one?" I nod. "Hm.. yeah, I think we should it's our first baby." He nods, "okay so when should we have it?"

"Hm I think we should have it here, in our home and maybe in two weeks? I don't want to rush. We can have our family and friends over. I don't want too many people." I start to play with my fingers.

"Okay baby. Whatever you want."

He put the lasagne into the oven and walks over to where I'm standing with a smirk on his face. "We still have an hour to do whatever we want before the lasagne is done..." He whispers seductively.

He pulls me close to him, but once again my tummy blocks us. "Valentino!" I swat his arm, "there is a baby in the room!" He throws his head back and lets out a laugh. "You're horny and I'm horny." He points to the big bulge in his pants and pouts. I glare at him "I'm only kidding baby. I'm kidding." He carries on laughing at me and kisses my cheek.

I roll my eyes and walk over to the refrigerator and get some pickles and ice cream out.

Chocolate fudge. My favourite.

Valentino leans against the counter, watching me carefully. "What?" I frown and take a seat on the island. I open the pickle jar and ice cream. "What are you feeding my baby?" He walks towards me as I dip my pickle into my ice cream. "Your baby likes this!" I giggle as he makes a gagging sound.

"You're being over dramatic Val," I roll my eyes and bite into the pickle. "No I'm not!" He whines and wraps his arms around my bare tummy from behind me.

He nuzzles his nose into the crook of my neck and kisses my hair. "You smell nice, mhm."

"Valentino that tickles! Stop!" I giggle and push him away. He pouts and takes a seat beside me on the counter. I offer him some pickles dipped in ice cream but he gags and shakes his head. I roll my eyes and carry on eating.

He stares at me for a while and I raise an eyebrow. "What?" I look at him confused. He shakes his head and stays silent.

I ignore it and reach for my phone from the other side of the island. I scroll through the family group chat which is just Valentino's, and his siblings and I.

They were arguing over our baby's gender and making bets. I giggle and decide to show Valentino. "Your siblings are making a bet on the baby's gender." He raises an eyebrow and rolls his eyes.
"Idiots," he grumbles and decides to check on the lasagna, and takes it out of the oven.

"Babe, it's done." He takes out two plates and places it out the counter. I put away the ice cream and the pickle jar into the refrigerator.

We eat in silence and watch some TV, after we're done eating, we do the dishes together and go upstairs.

We both get into bed and cuddle into each other and fall asleep in each other's.

To be continued...

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