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Aurora Romano's POV

Six months later...

I softly groan as I try to roll over, the baby had been kicking non-stop for the past hour or so and my ribs were aching. On top of that, I had to pee real bad but I couldn't, something or more like someone was holding me down.

My eyes flutter open slowly and I rub the sleep from my eyes. I look down to be met with a head of black tousled hair. Valentino is currently sleeping on top of me, his head is on my chest, whilst our legs are tangled up in a mess. His arms are around my stomach.

I bring my palm up to his right cheek and slowly stroke it. I frown when I see the dark circles under his eyes. He's been working nonstop for the past week and a half. I silently wish he didn't have to work so much.

I reach out for my phone on the nightstand and it's only four AM. I put my phone back and cuddle into my Valentino for a while.

"Valentino?" I call out softly. "Valentino, wake up." I slowly shake his body. He groans and hugs me tighter.

"Valentino, I need to pee." I shake him off me. He rubs his eyes and unwraps his arms from my waist. "Hurry up." He grumbles in his deep Italian accent before letting me go.

I waddle into the bathroom, and pee. I clean myself up and waddle back into our bedroom. I lay back in the bed and pull the covers up to shoulders.

As soon as I adjust my pillows, Valentino pulls me into his chest and wraps his arms around my waist, burying his face in the crook of my neck.

The baby was still kicking and moving around a lot.

I sigh softly and kiss his forehead.

A few minutes later, I start to fall back asleep rubbing my tummy, the baby instantly stops kicking and stops moving around.

A few hours later...

I wake up to find Valentino's side of the bed empty, I groan softly as I attempt to sit up, which I fail at. I sigh and hold my tummy and push my self up.

Suddenly the bathroom door swings open, and Valentino steps out, wearing only a pair of grey joggers and shirtless. "Good Morning, did you sleep well mi amore?" I nod my head softly, tucking a piece behind my ear.

He looks so good oh my-

Shut up Aurora!

Horny bitch.

"—Then afterwards we can tell my family... Aurora?" I snap out of my thoughts, "Hm? What?"

"What are you thinking about?" He takes a seat beside me on the bed, throwing the towel on the floor. "Hm? Oh nothing." He frowns, "anyway I was wondering if we could go get some things for the nursery?" I say, running a hand through my hair.

"Yeah, we can, anything you want bambolina." I nod softly, rubbing my eyes softly. "I'm just going to freshen up." I stand up from the bed holding onto Valentino's hand. "Thank you." I say and waddle towards the bathroom.

"Do you need help?" I shake my head no. "No I don't." He frowns and then sighs, "I will wait for you downstairs, si?" I nod and kiss his cheek softly.

After Valentino leaves, I take off the dress shirt and my panties and throw it somewhere in the room.
I take a long, relaxing shower.

I attempt to shave my legs, which was an absolute fail.. because of my belly. I sigh softly and put the razor away and turn off the shower.

I wrap myself into the towel and head to the counter to do my skincare, I bring out my skincare and begin to apply all these sorts of creams and serums.

When Valentino and I weren't married, I'd usually use usual products from the drugstore or the local pharmacy, but when we had gotten married he'd brought me every expensive, designer products out there for me to try which was amazing but I think I preferred my old products.

This man was loaded with money, I don't think even our grandchildren's children would even be able to spend it. This man was more than a billionaire for sure, having inherited the Sicilian Mafia at only aged 20 as well as opening up many types of hotels, businesses, resorts etc.

After changing into a loose T-shirt and panties, I go downstairs to find Valentino cooking something. "Hey, you." I breathe out softly, I take a seat on the kitchen island.

"Morning baby, I am making some scrambled egg, waffles, bacon & a fruit bowl for you." He smiles at me softly, I nod and smile softly, rubbing my tummy and humming softly.

An hour later, I find myself laying between Valentino's legs, whilst he caresses my tummy softly or massages my scalp as we watch one of his favourite comedy shows.

I am surrounded with a bunch of unhealthy snacks, as pregnancy has given me cravings that I would've never thought I had had.

My favourite one was hot cheetos, stuffed into an In n Out burger or any cheeseburger also Nutella and lots and lots of strawberries!

Today, I just wanted a day in, I was exhausted and sore. My legs were swollen and my back was killing me. I sigh, stressed and tired.

We will be setting up the baby's nursery after we find out his/her gender. We still haven't found out if I'm having a girl or boy, I don't really care about the gender of my baby, because I'll love my baby either way. I just want my baby to be in my arms, and healthy.

To be continued...

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