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Aurora Romano's POV

I wake up to the low sound of morning. My head felt like someone was hitting me with bricks. I felt dizzy.
I slowly try to open my eyes, but I fail to do so.

What was going on?

"She needs to rest as much as she can. I'm sure she must be stressed. But it is essential that you keep an eye on her otherwise her health can deteriorate again, and cause her to collapse once again." I hear a unfamiliar male voice say.

I attempt to roll over but my head was pounding like crazy. "Ugh..." I moan out. I slowly open my eyes blinking up at Valentino staring down at me. "Aurora..." I close my eyes once again, tryi to adjust my eyes to the bright light. "W-water." I choke out.

I hear commotion and footsteps around the room. My head is slowly lifted from the pillow. I open my mouth and greedily gulp down the water. "More please." I gulp down not two, but three full glasses of water.

"What happened?" I look up my so called husband. "Nothing." I begin to move over, to get off the bed. But Valentino beats me and stops me. "Where is Gio?" I say; ignoring the fact that my husband is drilling holes into my head with his stupid eyes.

The door to the bedroom opens, and Athena walks in with my son. I take him in my arms, caressing his chubby cheeks. He's my whole world.

"How are you feeling babe?" She says. Stroking my hair softly. "I'm so tired, what happened?" I say softly. "You fainted, I found you laying on the floor." I nod weakly. There was an awkward silence.

"Athena, can we have some privacy please?" She nods before kissing my forehead and leaving me alone with the devil. "What's wrong baby?" He says.
I ignore him and carry on playing with my Gio. "Aurora. What the hell is going on?" He says sternly.

"Nothing, I want to be alone with Gio." I say quietly. "I'm not leaving until you tell me what's wrong-"

"Who's Cassie? Cassia? Whatever her name is." I say as I look up at him. A wave of shock passes his face. He doesn't say anything and stares at me blankly before speaking...

"How do you know her?" He says. "She claimed to be some worker in your office, she came by a few days ago, when we came back home from the hospital." I say, I shrug my shoulders. "She's no one. She's just a worker-"

"Well clearly she is someone! Why the fuck did I see you and her smooching on TV! Why was your arms around her?! Huh?!"

"Aurora?" I quickly snap out of my thoughts when I hear Athena call out my name. "What's wrong babe?" I shake my head, before turning my attention to Gio. "I need to go to the bathroom. Look after him please." I ignore Valentino, not bothering to look at him or speak to him. I could feel his eyes on me the whole time, but I didn't care anymore.

I waddle into the bathroom, I hear his footsteps behind me, but manage to quickly lock myself into the bathroom. I didn't want to speak to him nor listen to what he had to say. I was tired and done with this poor excuse of a marriage.

I finish my business in the bathroom, and wipe myself clean. I wash my hands and walk back into the bedroom to find my baby giggling, which puts a smile on my face because he's never giggled like that before. I walk towards my baby and Athena. Valentino sits down on one of the couches in the room and just stares at me.

"Hi baby! You never laugh like that with me!" I tickle his little tummy as he looks up at me with adoration. I kiss his chubby little cheeks before sitting him up on the bed, not forgetting to place pillows around him.

Athena captured a picture of us both, before deciding to leave me alone with the devil. I bid her goodbye from the room as I didn't have the energy to go back down.

I lay myself down beside Giovanni, and I pull him close to me as I did not want to be anywhere far from him. For some reason Valentino was quiet. He didn't say a word which was odd because normally if I were ignoring him, he'd pester me to tell him what was wrong.

Eventually I fall asleep, with Gio in my arms, not caring about anyone other than the two of us.

To be continued...

Quick Question: Do you guys think this story is going to fast?  I do.

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