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Aurora Romano's POV

I moan sleepily as I roll over. I go to cuddle Valentino but I find his side of the bed empty. I rub the sleep from my eyes, and then check the time on my phone. It's only 10am. I get out of the bed carefully and walk over to the bathroom and open the door to find Valentino having a shower.

I do my business and then walk over to the sink to brush my teeth. As I begin to brush my teeth, I look through the mirror to see  Val coming out of the shower and then he wraps a towel around his waist.

As if he knew I was staring at him, his eyes meet mine through the mirror and smiles at me.

"Hey baby, did you sleep well?" He wraps his arms around me, and kisses the top of my head. I nod.
"Yeah." I lean into him but my tummy blocks us.

"And what about our angel?" He rubs my tummy a little and kisses it. "Hmm, I don't know he's been kicking all night long again." I mumble.

"Do you need a massage angel?" He frowns and I  shake my head no. "We have the appointment in two  hours." He nods, "Go get ready, after the appointment we can go get some food? Hm?" He caresses my cheek. "Yeah, I guess." I mumble.

After he leaves, I decide to take a quick shower, and then braid my hair and not put any makeup on.
I get dressed into a pair of leggings and an over sized t-shirt.

I put my shoes on and grab my bag, putting my phone, keys and wallet in.

After I'm done, I walk downstairs to find Val on the phone. I walk into our kitchen and grab an apple and a bottle of water.

I leave the kitchen, to find an empty living room. I'm guessing he's gone downstairs.

I meet Valentino at the front door and we get into the car and he drives off.

Half an hour later...

"Mr and Mrs. Romano? Mrs.Kingsley will see you now in her room." One of the nurses called out, Val helps me stand up from the chair, and intertwines our fingers together.

We walk into Mrs. Kingsley, my midwife's room.
"Hello Mr. and Mrs Romano. How have you been?"
She smiles at me, grabbing a pair of gloves and putting it on.

"I've been good. And you?" I smile softly. "Good thank you."

"So today we are going to check the. Are you excited?" I nod and smile.

I take a seat on the bed, and Val sits beside me on a chair. "So firstly I'm going to have to get you to change into this gown, and then I will be checking your weight, after that I will be checking the baby's size, heart beat and then the gender." She hands me a white hospital gown and then exits the room so I can change.

Valentino helps me change into the gown, "I love you," he mumbles and kisses me gently on the lips.
"I love you too." I kiss him back passionately.

"I was thinking... maybe we could have a baby shower? We can invite our family and some of our friends?" He suggest rubbing my tummy.

"I- I don't know maybe. I don't like being the centre of attention Val."

"I know my love. It was just a suggestion, we don't have too..." I nod and sigh.

Mrs.Kingsley walks back into the room with some equipment in her hands. She starts off by checking my weight, which was all good.

"Okay Aurora, now you can lay on the bed." I nod and lay down on the bed. She lifts my gown up, under my breasts and then applies a cool gel on my tummy, which makes me flinch. "I know I'm sorry it's a little cold." She smiles sympathetically.

"It's okay." I mumble. She checks my baby's size and heartbeat which was all good. My baby was now the size of pineapple and my baby was also healthy.
"Okay so now time for the gender of the baby."

I tighten my hand around Valentino, he looks down at me and smiles at me. He was very quiet for some reason. I shake the negative thoughts away and focus on our baby.

"Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Romano, you're having a baby boy!"


I'm having a baby boy.

All this time my baby was a boy!

I look up at Valentino, tears of joy running down both my cheeks. I wrap my arms around him and hug him tightly. He kisses the top of my head.

"Would you like some photos." I nod wiping my tears, "yes please." Valentino answers. She nods and leaves the room to collect our babies photos.

"Our baby is a boy Val! Can you believe it!" I sob into his chest. "I know my love. Thank you. I love you and our baby more than anything." He whispers before kissing me.

Mrs. Kingsley returns with the photos, and then Val and I leave.

We'd decided to go to eat at one of my favourite Cafe's.

We find a table which shows off the view of New York. "What do you want to order baby?" I snap out of my thoughts. "Hm?"

"The waiter wants to know what you want," I look at the waiter and then back at Val. "Oh, sorry. May I have the chocolate chip pancakes? With strawberries and Nutella?" The waiter nods and collects our menus before walking off.

"What were you thinking about?" Valentino asks. "Oh nothing, I was just thinking about the baby."I sigh. "What about the baby my love?"

"I, just... I'm just a little scared." He frowns, "why would you be scared baby? I'm here for you, our family is here for you."

"I-just I'm scared of becoming a mother. What if I'm not a good mother a-and my baby hates me?" I sniffle. Valentino wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me close to him, "baby, you'll be the best mother ever to our son. He'll love you more than anything okay? I love you and our baby loves you, our families love you. You don't have to worry about anything okay?" I nod and wipe my tears.

God I hate my hormones.

I hug him back, and wipe my tears.

"I love you too."

To be continued...

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