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Valentino Romano's POV

3 months later...

Fuck I was going crazy.

I needed her more than anything.

Why did I have to do it...

Why did I have to be unfaithful to my wife? Why did I ruin our marriage?

It had been a whole 3 months without them. A whole 3 months without my loves.

I had gone crazy. I...I didn't know what to do. At one point I thought of begging her to come back, but then why would she? After everything?

I kicked out Cassia from my life. And threatened her.

I needed to Aurora more than anything. The house felt so cold, grey and dark without her.

My family had come over once. A week after she had left. I'd gotten into a huge fight with my brothers.
My father didn't even bother to look at me, mother too. Liliana slapped me across the face. I deserved everything coming towards me.

I get up and reach for my keys from my desk. I've decided today was the day I get my wife and son back.

Aurora Romano

"Hi baby! Good morning my love!" I smile as my little boy looks up at me with a huge grin on his face. I kiss his forehead a couple of times before letting him crawl all over the bedroom.

It had been 3 months since that day. The day that ruined my whole marriage. I had gone through what every woman feared. I had decided it was best for me not to stay in contact with Valentino in the past three months. Although I did actually need to speak to him, I couldn't. I couldn't face him just yet.

I had spent the last three months with my family, having fun and enjoying myself as much as I could. But to be honest, I couldn't. Not when my baby's father was out there sleeping with God knows how many how women. First Cassia.... Who else next?

I sigh as I lay Gio on the bed, surrounding him with a ton of pillows just in case he falls down. I was moving out to my own apartment soon.

Mama and I thought that this actually would be a good idea, so me and Gio get our own privacy. I did love living with my parents, but I felt as if we - Gio, and I needed a smaller space and more privacy.

I had convinced papa and my brothers to help me find one here. It would be a good change for me and my son. I wanted him to grow up in an environment where he is loved and supported.

I sigh as I bring out my suitcase from my closet. I didn't want to leave mama and papa, but I couldn't live with them forever... I need my own space.

Although I knew this was for the best.

I pack a little, before picking up my baby and taking him downstairs. It was almost time for lunch and today was a beautiful, sunny day.

I had opted for a baby blue sun dress and paired it with a pair of sandals and light makeup. It was way too hot to wear a lot of makeup. I opted for mascara, lip balm and blush.

My little Gio was playing with my brothers - Mariano, Miani and Papa. I smile softly as I watch him. This is his family.

I walk to the kitchen to help mama prepare lunch. My auntie Kylie and my cousin Hermia had arrived minutes later. I had greeted the two and hugged them tightly. I hadn't seen them in awhile. We chatted for a while until it was time for lunch.

"So Aurora, when are you moving?" I look up from my plate to find Auntie Kylie staring back at me. Her green eyes shone in the sunlight. I wish I had her eyes. "Well, I'm planning to-" Suddenly, the front door bell rang. "Let me get the door." I excuse myself and I stand up to check who it was. I open the door to find a pair of gorgeous, familiar orbs staring right back at mine.

"Hey baby." He smiles, offering the the bouquet of white roses to me. I stand there in shock.

What the fuck!

To be continued...

Short but we move.

Im not dead, I'm still alive guys! Life has just been so busy recently. I literally cannot deal with it.

Also who watched through my window? It's so freaking good omg!! Apollo is my fave character, he's just so hot!

-Love you all💖

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