Love Can Never Die (28)

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Wow, they are sexyyy;) I probably shouldnt be thinking that but a british and irish man begging for me is quite amazing! They obviously want me to remember something, but i have no idea what, i dont even know their names?

" Cmon love, im Niall?" says the irish one.

" And im Harry!" says the british one with a wink. " Me and you know eachother very well?" He smirks.

I look up at the ceiling with a deep blush. What the hell.

Its been a couple weeks and im finally out of the hospital, i havent talked to those lads back there in awhile, but they cant seem to stop tweeting about me?  I woke up this morning to 12.5 million followers on twitter, 5 million on instagram and 3 million on wattpad. I sure as hell didnt remember i wrote stories? Oh well. I also noticed im all over tv and gossip shows about famous people. Yassss im famous bitchess!

Anyway back to what i was getting to, i woke up and i guess the irish kid's Twitter is @NiallOfficial and the british is @harrystyles. Niall tweeted, "@NiallOfficial: im so glad that @Y/T/N is back up and moving. Missed her like crazy. Please send her massive love and prayers!"

he also did wayy more consisting of, "all my crazy mofos betta follow my girl @Y/T/N !! if you followed, RT and Fav this and ill follow you! Love you all! #CrazyMofoFollowSpree " oh and trust me it trended for 3 weeks and Niall followed over 2 million fans.

Harry tweeted "@harrystyles: love can never die especially between me and @Y/T/N . I love her, she doesnt remember the things we had, but i will and with your guys help itll be easier:)? " harry tweeted more and more and so did the fans who shipped us, i guess they called it, (insert your ship name). They tweeted pics of me and harry that i cannot recall, and notes and love tweets trying to make me remember..sadly i was all just extremely cute things and pictures.

Then haters who didnt ship us, posted pics of me and niall together, and pictures of some magazine that showed Taylor Swift and Harry makingout on the cover then myself on the corner saying "CAUGHT! : HARRY STYLES CAUGHT CHEATING ON LONGTERM GIRLFRIEND Y/N WITH EX TAYLOR SWIFT!" even though i dont remember this predicament, i do remember that heartache..something i wish i forgot.

I roll over in bed and groan. I hop up stripping off my clothes on the way to the bathroom.

I run a nice warm shower and pick out my clothes for the day. As i step into the shower my stitches burn in a calming way. I hated surgerys and blood but now i guess its just another layer that belongs to me.

I wash my hair and body slowly, trying to make the peace last. I shave my arm pitty pits and legs then i get out and change into black skinny high waisted jeans, my favorite VS PINK pull over sweater and white vans. I dry my hair and straighten it then i add alittle mascara and lipgloss.

That morning i go to my favorite café i seem to remember, I think its called Starbucks? When i go in and sit many random girls and a couple guys run over and take pictures. They ask for autographs and for me to pose with them in a picture. Ofcourse i do!! But all that nice attention and happiness turns into complete annoyance and anger.

Paparazzi just show up, snaping pics, calling my name, and asking ridiculous questions. Just then Harry pops up with his gigantic bodyguards and this just attracts more fans and paps. All i wanted was a vanilla bean frapechino!

Harry holds my hand walking me out. Handing me his black raybans to shield my eyes/my identity. As if they didnt already know that... Harry walks me to this van, and helps me in, his bodyguard starts the car and we drive to an unknown destination they call Wembly Stadium for a concert.

As i look around and watch huge crowds of Directioners sing One Direction songs, waving their hands around, i notice at the corner of my eye Harry staring at me. I turn to look at him and then i feel a pair of familar lips connect with mine. They're warm, sweet and i feel something ive never felt before. It felt like...butterflys in my stomach, and my heart skipping a felt like fireworks.

Torn : Harry Styles&Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now