[Hollow Knight] Quirrel x reader

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You had come to explore Hallownest on account of its rich and incredibly deep history. The destroyed place fascinated you with all its great wonders and mysteries.

With all this in mind, it's worth noting that you had never been very good in a fight. You were weak, clumsy with weapons, and rather easily frightened.
You had managed to get to the place by hiding in small rocks around the sand, where the mindless wouldn't see you.
And upon arrive in Dirtmouth, you were not thrilled to find that the caverns below were about as dangerous as the wastes outside.

Hiding could only get you so far...

Luckily for you though, everyone in Dirtmouth was very friendly. Elderbug was glad to have company when you talked with him, he spoke like he had been alone for a long one before; Sly was well... interesting, he seemed to have a very rich understanding and lots of experience with Hallownest before its collapse; Bretta was... Bretta, and you were not too keen on speaking to her for very long; and Iselda seemed glad to speak with someone while her husband left her to run the small map shop, she seemed upset but you decided that was just because she was worried about her husband.

You had done all you could to avoid going into the danger below, and now that you were looking down into the rest of the kingdom, you could feel your legs shaking.

How were you supposed to survive worse?

Carefully climbing down, you quickly make your way to the left of the chain, when you were facing it, and climb over tiktiks and crawlids as fast as you could. Once you made it into the next room over, you moved as fast as you could farther down into cavern, avoiding more of the small crawling creatures as well as the gruzzers that bounced around.

Even though these were the harmless creatures, they still terrified you, and you were grateful when you managed to slip into the beautiful scenery of Greenpath without violence or having to run for your life.

But you already knew that with the Moss creatures, it would be a different story.
That was why you were hoping to hide in the underbrush.
The strategy worked quite well. Sure, you had almost been eaten by several fool eaters, but you survived.

You had never been so happy to see a building as you were to see the Temple of Unn.

Not that you knew what it was.

Sitting down on a small rock inside, you rest your shaky legs and take a deep breath to assess where you were.

You needed to head back if you wanted to explore more. Or if you ever wanted to go back to civilization...

So after a few minutes, you set out, going back the way you came. Though, you think you took a wrong turn because you almost fell in acid and after a while didn't recognize any of the scenery around you.

Maybe you should've been paying more attention to extra passageways on your way to the beautiful building...

Entering the strange and bubble filled area, you knew you had definitely taken a wrong turn.

But none of the creatures around seemed to care for your presence. They all seemed more passive than the tiktiks. But the glow of orange from the center of them told you they would definitely hurt to get hit by.

But that only made your exploration of the location more annoying.

These floating things were everywhere. Everywhere! Absolutely everywhere!
Not touching them seemed impossible, but you didn't want to find out what would happen if you did.

That is, until you accidentally popped a little one and watch the orange inside of it roll harmlessly out of sight.

...That was anticlimactic.

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