[Cookie Run: Kingdom] Stardust Cookie x Fem! Reader

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Requested by: Saturnussygushy
I know this probably isn't exactly the kind of angst you asked for, but here! I could've made this super long, but the document I wrote it on kept crashing-

Space is a vast void of blackness. Dark, cold, with only the whispers of the stars to break the cruel silence of nothing.

That was where Stardust Cookie was born. That was all he knew. But that was alright. He has countless stars to keep him company. He didn't need anything else.

He never had...

It all changed on a fateful night, stars twinkling in the sky all around. As he was listening to their faint voices he heard a soft, new voice that spoke clearer than any star.


He never thought it would take a single word to change his whole world.

Stardust Cookie turned and saw her, looking around at the stars. A sense of confusion filled him as he examined her. Who was she? She doesn't look like the stars...

She turned around and saw him, her eyes widened in wonder as she saw him for the first time. "Hello there!" She waved her hand, looking at him with a large smile that shone brighter than any star.

His confusion grew, and he flew over to her to investigate, "Who are you?" His voice sounded as intimidating as he could make it, but she seemed bright and happy anyway.

"My name is (C/F) Cookie." She extended her hand to him, "What's yours?"

He stared at her in disbelief. He hadn't understood what she wanted from him. He felt his bird-like appearance morph back into just a simple Cookie form, but she didn't even seem to notice, peering into his eyes with hers so large and caring. He tentatively reached down and took her hand in his own, feeling his arm shake as he touched another living being for the first time, "...Stardust Cookie."

"Stardust Cookie..." She repeated, her eyes grew brighter as they held even more awe for him, "How beautiful! No wonder you look just like this starry sky!"

Stardust Cookie looked down at his hand holding hers, touching hers. He could feel her there. It felt so familiar, so right. Her very presence felt like the sun seeping warmth into the cold void of space.

She had laughed awkwardly, looking around but not pulling away, "I suppose I got a bit lost on my way to the train station. But this is nice."

"Train station...?" He was unfamiliar with the term.

"Yeah! A place where all the trains go in the realm of dreams!" She nodded, her eyes still wide and bright. She reached into a pocket of her white robe and pulled out a slip of glimmering paper, "See? This is my ticket! Where is my destination supposed to be tonight... 'Vega of the Sugar Swan'...?" Her eyes widened.

"I have never heard of such a place." Stardust Cookie leaned over her shoulder, "Perhaps they mean the Sugar Swan constellation."

She looked around, as if searching for something before speaking, "I've never visited a constellation before." She smiled. "The stars are so beautiful."

He had felt something warm within him as the stars glittered in approval all around them, it brought a smile to his face for the first time. "They think you're beautiful as well."

Her eyes widened, but then she had laughed, "How kind of them."

She had returned, again and again. When it was time for her to go, she would disappear without a trace, and when she returned she would tell him stories of how other Cookies lived.

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