[Cookie Run: Ovenbreak] that super long Longan Dragon x Reader

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Full title: That super long Longan Dragon x Reader that crashed my Google Docs so much I had to move it to a new document.

Requested by me.
AU, not canon, yada yada. This thing is super long, and even then it's obviously rushed in some places... I call that paranoia over it being more than 10,000 words.

Peaceful nights are the best kind of nights. That was a standard Longan Dragon lived by. And even if they'd never admit it, Lotus Dragon's "Paradise" was always the best place to find those.
The stars were all visible, looking tiny and pathetic, like all the Cookies of the world; the wind never blew harder than a gentle breeze, lessening the noise of the thick forest outside the little towns; and the lack of Cookies that ventured out too far during the night certainly helped.

Such a peaceful night is how it all began. Longan Dragon was simply observing the world from the top of a large hill in the forest that overlooked the town—which, like the stars, looked insignificant and tiny from such a view.

They glared over their shoulder in annoyance as they heard rustling in the bushes, but because it was so light a noise, they paid it no mind.
No, it really began a few minutes later, when a small, unsure voice finally spoke up beside them.

"Uh, excuse me..."

Holding back the urge to destroy whoever it was, Longan Dragon uninterestedly looked towards the feeble Cookie, fiddling with their hands with a rather full backpack on their back.

"I'm sorry to bother you, but uh, I need those plants... I can come back later if you'd rather..." Their voice slowly dies to an inaudible mumble about how they figured they'd ask to grab them now.

To say Longan Dragon was infuriated would be an overstatement; they probably would've described it that way at the time, but it was definitely more of a mild annoyance. After all, it would only be a momentary interruption to their quiet night.
They silently stepped away from the plants the Cookie was glancing at, giving permission to take the herbs and leave, and even though they really didn't care, they didn't take their eyes off the Cookie the entire time.

Small thing couldn't have been very old... even if they weren't crouching down pulling roots out of the ground, Longan Dragon towered over them in just their Cookie form.

"Thank you." The Cookie steps away before straightening up, quickly shoving the roots in their bag and preparing to walk away.

"What is a Cookie so young doing out so late?" They asked without thinking.

"Oh, uh, I'm the Herbville apothecary assistant. There was a bit of an emergency today, so no one had time to go out and get herbs..." The Cookie says quickly.

"So they tasked you with coming out here to fetch some?" Longan Dragon had never had the need for any medicines, so they didn't understand why it was at all important to Cookies to have them on hand.

"Yeah... I, uh, I'm sorry for ruining your quiet evening. I'll just be going now." The Cookie could clearly feel the power in the dragon's eyes. They bowed as they departed, "Good night!"

Longan Dragon assumed that would be a one time incident (how often could that much medicine be used at once?), but were mildly amazed when it was not.

If anything, it became unusual for the Cookie to not appear at least once a night to say hello.

"How many plants could such a small village need?" They finally asked on around the fiftieth time this happened.

The Cookie stared at them momentarily, blinking a bit in shock then said, "This isn't even half of the kinds of herbs we use on a daily basis..."
They shook their head, "And Hortensia Town may look small from this distance, but it goes all the way around the lake the Palace is on... Sure, it's not as big as a city... but cities have plenty of doctors... both Herbville and Hortensia Town just have two Cookies, master and apprentice, that help all those who are sick."

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