[OMORI] Basil x Reader (Part 2)

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Requested by: GladMewMew

I have had this planned for like

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I have had this planned for like... a year and a half. I don't know why it took me so long to write it!
Well the important thing is I've written it now! 

The next morning you ran into Kel and Sunny on your way to the park to meet Basil.

"Hey (Y/N)!" Kel calls to you, waving excitedly at you, "Good morning!"

"Hi guys!" You wave back. "Where are you headed?"

Kel is the one to explain, which isn't all that surprising, "I've got a few things to do before Hero gets home and I figured it would be more fun if Sunny came with."

"Ah, I see." You nod. "I'm going over to the park. I said I'd meet Basil there."

"Oh cool." Kel's smile drops, "Do you mind if we come with? I want to ask him if he's ok after last night..."

You nod. "Sure." That makes sense. He did have an anxiety attack. Wait, Kel doesn't know that.

"Thanks." Kel grins.

Sunny takes this as his cue to continue walking. His silence is somewhat disturbing honestly. It makes you think back on what Basil said yesterday.

Sunny left him, but in a way, so did Kel, Aubrey, and Hero. Each of them took Mari's death pretty hard, and it's not like anyone could blame them for not wanting to be together with her clear absence hanging around their friendship.

"Hey, Sunny, wait up!" Kel jogs after him, leaving you to run to catch up.

Sunny stops in front of the sign for Faraway Park, waiting for the two of you to catch up. He's a lot faster than he looks when he gets moving. Kel is breathing hard as he stops beside him and you are embarrassingly out of breath. Not that Sunny acknowledges this in any way. He just continues into the park, at the same pace. Both you and Kel decide not to make the same mistake twice and speed after him.

Sunny stops right by Basil, who turns around to face you. He seems tired, somehow. Maybe you should've told your parents you were going to stay the night there...

"Hey (Y/N)... H-Hey... Kel... Hey... Sunny..." Basil greets all of you with little enthusiasm that slowly dies with every word he says.

"Hi." You wave.

"'Sup, Basil? Nice to see you out and about!" Kel says with a warm smile, "Are you feeling better after yesterday?"

"Huh? Y-Yesterday?" Basil stiffens and glances at you. "W-What do you mean?"

Kel's smile is replaced with a concerned frown, "You had a big stomach ache, didn't you? That's why you had to go to the bathroom..."

That's only somewhat true and you feel kind of bad that Kel is the only person in the conversation who doesn't know that.

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