[Cookie Run] Adventurer Cookie x Jealous! Fem! Reader

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Requested by: Fandomlove56
This probably isn't what you had it mind, and it certainly wasn't what I had in mind...

"Mistress (C/F) Cookie..." Blackberry Cookie gently pushes open the door.

"Let me guess," She sighs, "He's gone out on an adventure again."

"I'm afraid so." Blackberry Cookie nods, "Would you like me to go fetch him?"

"Please do Blackberry Cookie, I'm sorry that this has to be such a constant reoccurrence."

"It really is not trouble at all, it is what I was hired for." Blackberry Cookie shakes her head and turns to leave, "I will go find him. Once we get back I will be sure he goes directly to see you."

"Thank you." (C/F) Cookie sighs, looking out the window.

Seems another evening of planned quality time is wasted... And she'd been looking forward to it too! Now Adventure Cookie is galavanting who knows where and probably forgot all about their plans! Again!

(C/F) Cookie rolls her eyes, heading to the study. Getting mad won't change the fact that he's not here (she's tested it), and sulking that he'd rather run off to some mysterious cave isn't going to make her less upset with him!
She grabbed a random book from the shelf, probably not actually going to read it as she rests in her armchair by the fireplace, opening the book to try and distract herself from what happened.

"There you are, Master..." Blackberry Cookie seems to appear beside Adventurer Cookie.

"Good jelly! You scared me! Wait, how did you find me?" He gasps.

"Mistress (C/F) Cookie was rather upset when she heard you were not at home. She asked me to come fetch you." Blackberry Cookie does not answer his question.

"Oh! Right! I forgot about our plans to spend time together tonight!" He now realizes his mistake.

"I suggest we depart for home immediately. Mistress will be far more upset if we do not return by morning."

"You don't have to drag me there either! Let's go!" Adventurer Cookie starts sprinting home, Blackberry Cookie close behind.

"(C/F) Cookie?! (C/F) Cookie!!" Adventurer Cookie yells as he enters the house.
He sprints around the manor. She wasn't in the bedroom, kitchen or dining room, or any of the halls.
Finally he found her standing in front of the fireplace of the study.

"Where were you this time?" She asks hushedly.

"Well, I found a map for a—" He starts.

"Did you really think exploring it was more important than spending time with me?" She doesn't let him finish.

"Of course not! I just—"

"Lost track of time?" She finishes for him, angrily turning to face him. "How many times does that make it?!"

He guiltily stares at the floor.

"You're such an airhead sometimes! It's almost unbearable!" She sighs, "And on any other day I'd have been fine with letting you go, but after you promised me—several times I might add—that you'd be home and we could spend tonight together to make up for all the time you're gone... Does it even cross your mind that you need to come home? Do you even want me here?"

"O-Of course I want you here!" He stammers, recognizing the question as not rhetorical.

"Really? Because it honestly feels like every single day I have to send Blackberry Cookie to find you to make sure you're ok. I'm starting to think you enjoy spending time with her more than me."

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