[Cookie Run: Kingdom] Shadow Milk Cookie x Wizard's Researcher! Reader

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Requested by: me trying to practice writing this gremlin and failing miserably.
If this feels rushed in places it's probably because I realized how long it was and was trying to cut it down. I spent way more time than I thought I would on it.

Dark Moon Magic. That was what (C/F) Cookie had been tasked with researching. A usually forbidden and dangerous type of magic, relating to the Dark Side of the Moon. The twisted side of Moonlight Cookie's powerful magic.

After such an assignment their home had been moved to a bunker that was more or less a prison cell. The door had been locked from the outside and they were left with a spell that would provide them with rations so long as their unpredictable research topic did not destroy it. They could still see the moonlight from a latched window in the ceiling, but that was the most they could see of the outside world. Despite being promised freedom once they finished their research, the truth was clear to them: they were not expected to survive this.

As such, they frantically tried to prove themself capable. They flung themself into their research, desperate to find some way to give enough results to get out of their cell. No matter what they submitted, nothing was good enough. They spent years on data tables, evaluations, proving hypotheses, anything they could think of! But the door remained sealed shut, taunting their efforts.

"I can't take this anymore!" They cry, pounding their fist into the floor. Raising their head to look at the door they glare at its frame. "What do you want from me?!"

The door remains unchanged. It might as well be painted on the wall.

"You want me to crumble? Is that it?! You want my crumbs to cover this room until the city itself turns to dust; is that it?!" They stand up, enraged. Being alone for so long has taken its toll on them. "Fine then! I'll ensure the city falls myself!"

All of their research runs through their mind as they draw a large spell circle on the floor. This was a spell they had been strictly forbidden from casting, but they didn't care anymore. It was only moments after they had finished that they were gripped by the fear of death. Thankfully they also knew how to contain the effects of the spell. At what could only be the last possible second they manage to draw the spell circle to contain it, but by now it's likely too late. The spells collide and the force of which immediately knocks them unconscious.

When they finally come to, an incessant laughter fills their ears. They look around and see bright blue eyes looking around the darkness, but once they rub their eyes they're gone. Panic sets them running over to their rations spell, and they gasp in relief at the fact that it's still intact. Fear and despair cause them to break down in tears.

"Are you crying? Was my performance that moving?"

"Who's there?!" They shout in response to the disembodied voice.

"'Who's-'! Don't tell me you missed my entire performance!" It shouts back.

"What on Earthbread...?" They manage to locate the source of the noise. It looks like a mirror of some sort, lying face up right where the spell had been, but that can't be right. They get up to get a closer look and discover that it is instead some sort of flimsy stick puppet stage. Moving across the stage itself is a well drawn puppet of a blue Cookie wearing the dumbest outfit they've ever seen. "What on Earthbread???" They pick it up. Rather than being made of flimsy cardboard (like it looks like it should be), it feels as if it is made of high quality metal, and a glass film prevents them from reaching in and grabbing the puppets. 

"Ah ha ha! You must be my favorite audience member!" The puppet rotates to a bowing pose of the same Cookie, but flips so it can bow in both directions without reversing its right and left side.

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