[Deltarune (Chapter 2)] Kris/Player x Reader

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This is off a Snowgrave route. (Y/N) is not a human, but I won't decide what Dark World abilities they have. They aren't very strong though. I don't know enough about Kris to want to label this as Kris alone.
Uh, I just had this idea... this is probably going to be weird.

Requested by: my messed up thought process which came up with the idea like yesterday night.

What in this crazy, ridiculous world was happening?

(Y/N) had found themself there a few hours before, immediately got kidnapped by a strange lady called "Queen", ended up being forced to tag along with Berdly to prevent him from doing something stupid, and overall been confused this entire time.
They're pretty sure they saw, Noelle, Kris, and Susie here too, but they aren't sure.

They had just wanted to work on the project they knew their partner wasn't going to do any of!

Now here they were, with Berdly, not having understood any of what was going on.

"...So (Y/N), think about this discussion and perhaps—"

"Berdly, I have no idea what you were just talking about, I've been half zoned out since we got here." They laugh as Berdly's serious expression morphs to shock.

"Come on, we need to get going." Berdly grabs their wrist and pulls them to quickly follow him. His grip was loose, and if they wanted to, they could squirm out of it.

"Berdly, do you have any idea what is going on?"

"Well I know that Queen wants to use Noelle to take over the world and I want to make a world where her and I are number 1 and 2. If you're lucky you can be number 3."

"Uh... that's not what I meant. But I'm, was it always this... cold? And were the streets always this empty?"

"I don't see a difference. Maybe you're just hallucinating (Y/N)." Berdly laughs at them, dragging them into an alley and stops.

"I'm beginning to think this entire thing is a hallucination. I don't know why I would be... I went to be at a more reasonable hour than I did a few days ago..." They look around. "Ok, it is definitely colder than it was over there."

"You're just being paranoid (Y/N)." Berdly insists.

They stare at him. Why didn't he believe that they could feel that it was slightly colder over here?

Berdly could tell they were upset by something and lay his wing-hand on her shoulder. "Hey, it's ok."

At that moment they heard footsteps approaching them.

There stood Kris and Noelle, the later looked sad and deep in thought.

Berdly calls out to her, "Noelle! There you are! Just in time! We can all go back to Queen and—"

"Berdly..." (Y/N) steps back as Berdly steps towards the group.

"Noelle?" Berdly calls to her again.

Noelle doesn't seem to recognize him, "Kris, it looks like another enemy. Should I freeze them?"

Berdly is taken aback by her words, "N... Noelle? Noelle, it's us, don't you recognize us?!"

Something was wrong...

Noelle seems to realize who was in front of her, panicking, "B... Berdly?! (Y/N)?!"

(Y/N) hits the wall behind them, having miscalculated where the wall was. The look on Kris's face was scaring them.

"Noelle, are you ok...? What... what are you doing with Kris?"

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