[Toilet-bound Hanako-kun] Hanako x Fem!Reader

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This is a joke and I'm sorry—
I have a lot of requests I need to finish, but this popped into my head and I wanted to write it.
The other ones are being written I promise!

(Y/N) stared at the extremely long line to use the bathroom.

She didn't have time to wait in this! She was going to totally wet herself before she even got half way through it.

"I can't wait any longer!" She complain to the girl who happened to be in front of them.

"Well, there is another bathroom in the older building if you're that desperate..." The girl with purple hair turns to face her, "But it's—"

(Y/N) had already sprinted off to the older building. It took her approximately two minutes to reach the bathroom at her desperate pace.

Impressive to say the least... if only she could run like that when she wasn't afraid of being the embarrassing gossip for the next ten years of her life.

But (Y/N) wasn't quite sure if there was anyone in that bathroom since all the stall doors were closed.

Walking up to a random stall she bangs three times on the door.

[you can probably tell where this is going...]

"Hello? Is anyone in there?" She asks, a hint of desperation.

The door seemed to be locked and when she turned to try a different stall she nearly wet herself as she swung her fist through the boy behind her.

"Hi!" He says, smiling widely.

(Y/N) screams and pushes open the stall beside the one she had just knocked on and slams the door in his face.

They are both silent as she uses the bathroom.

When the toilet flushes and the stall door opens he moves out of the way for her to wash her hands.

The situation is now very awkward.

"So..." the boy fiddles with his hat, adjusting it on his head, "... hi. I'm Hanako-san of the bathroom! The seventh of the seven wonders of the school!"

(Y/N) did not know what that meant, but did not question it.

"(Y/N)." She just says, "I go to school here."

"Well (Y/N), what is your wish?" Hanako asks.

"What?" She responses quickly.

"Oh..." He seems to realize what it is that just happened, and starts to laugh.

"Did I just do something stupid and wrong?" (Y/N) asks, tears in her sparkly anime eyes.

Hanako does not answer, continuing to laugh.

"Wait." She sticks her hand clean through his torso, waving it up and down, "Why are you haunting the girls' bathroom? That doesn't make any sense!"

"Oh my god!" He laughs, "You're asking weird questions, but you're the one who accidentally summoned a ghost because you hahaha, needed to use the bathroom!! Hahahahahahaha!!!" He pushes himself into the air and does a little flip while kicking and laughing.

"If I could touch you I would slap you and that silly hat."

"Hehehehe, hey! My hat isn't silly! You are!"

"No you!" (Y/N) sticks her tongue out at him, causing his laughter to double.

She then puts her hand through his face and he goes silent for a moment, before both start laughing again.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2021 ⏰

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