Chapter 57 - Song For Someone

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Dean's POV

I felt frozen. What's he saying? I know what he's saying. I don't want to know, but I know. Castiel - my Castiel, my baby angel...has been...taken advantage of.

I felt not just my heart crack and explode into 400,000 teeny-tiny pieces, but my mind and soul as well.

"We had a few weeks together," Cas fought to keep from crying, "He was horny all the time. Our relationship was just sex..."

I shut my eyes as if that would make it stop. This horrible a dark fiend crawling up from the depths of my most feared nightmares. I feel angry, violent, like I could rip apart cities...and this guy called Casey.

"I was going to dump him because I want more than sex in my affairs, so when he showed - all riled up and sexual...he didn't listen to anything I had to say," Cas held back a sob, "H-He pinned me against the wall and shoved a knee between my legs, forcing me to succumb. I told him 'no, I'm not in the mood,' and he said...he said...'your dick sure is.'"

I inhaled sharply. I could see it behind my eyes, this whole scene unfolding - poor, helpless Cas, pressed against a wall in a bedroom by a stronger force. I see it...a faceless grin, gleaming in the darkness...

"Your dick sure is..."

"A-And I told him...'Casey stop, seriously. Th-This is rape.' He didn't care. He said...he said still haunts me to this day..." Cas was crying now, "'It's not rape if you like it.'"

My jaw clenched tight.

"So yeah...that was it. He spun me around and forced himself inside me," Cas grimaced, "The worst part? I could never tell anyone. Ever. So he's still out this neighbourhood. I see him sometimes. He never sees me, I make sure of it."

I was stunned still and silent. "I've only told you now," Cas continued, "I thought I'd feel better, getting it off my chest. But y'know what? I don't. It still hurts. It still messes me up day in, day out. I still see his face, feel his hands on my body..."

"No!" I broke, everything I am just shattering, and I wrapped my arms around him protectively, "N-No..."

Cas sniffed next to my chest, "Dean, it's fine. It happened almost two years's fine, really."

"It is not fine!" I yelled, "It is far from fine! Someone...some dickweed! Some bitch-faced whore slut motherfucker cunt asshat took you, my angel, a-and...and they fucking raped you. What fucking asstown would even...? Y'know! poor, innocent little cutie could they? Huh? How could they bring themselves to? That's like kicking a puppy! Who would do such a thing?!"

"A horny 17-year-old would," Cas smiled a little, "It's okay now. I dumped him hard after that. Then I stopped dating for a while, until you came along."

I suddenly felt horrible, "Shit! When we uhm...met, so to speak...I basically forced myself on you...I didn't ask for consent or even give you a choice! Fuck, I'm a monster--"

"You're not a monster!" Cas insisted, "If I had told you to stop that night, would you have stopped?"


"But I didn't, did I?" Cas looked at me sweetly, "I wanted that just as much as you. So you can chill, that was totally 100-percent consensual."

Thank God. I squeezed him tighter, "Y'know what I'm gonna do when I find this Casey, dontcha?"

"Rip his--"

"--lungs out," I finished.

Cas smiled gratefully, "God, you're the greatest. But could you uh...let go a little bit? That actually hurts..."

"Right! Sorry!" I let go, wincing when he breathed in relief.

Cas nuzzled close to me, "We should sleep. Forget about this."

I held him closer, "I'll protect you...from the nightmares, from your fears, from Casey...from everything."

Cas sighed happily. "My guardian demon," he mumbled sleepily, "What a strange turn of events."

January 20, 1969
5:47 p.m.

Four days until my birthday! Fuck yes. I'll be nineteen! So many things to be happy about...Cas is doing much better already - he can walk with crutches! - and I'm turning nineteen. Oh, and Bobby plans to leave on the 25th, so me and Cas and Sam will be on our own! My own house!

"Hey Cas, follow me," I came back from grocery shopping, and I needed to take Cas to see something special. I put a blindfold on him as he approached.

He balanced on his crutches, "Wh-What? What's this?"

I led him slowly out to the streets. "Where are you taking me?" Cas glanced around blindly.

"I'm taking you to the beach."

Cas smiled wide, "Yes, but why is this so special? It's just the beach."

"You'll see..."

He was quiet the rest of the walk. When he felt concrete subside to sand, he jumped a little before relaxing. I took off the blindfold, and when he saw it, he gasped.

The sunset, just above the horizon, was a blast of every colour - lava orange, brushed gold, gentle red, blush pink...

"I saw it on my way back from the market, and I knew you just had to see it," I smiled warmly, glancing at Cas. My heart instantly swelled - he looked so in awe it was heart-clenching. He just watched the sun dip below the sea, his blue eyes reflecting every light of the setting sun.

I cautiously approached, wrapping my arms around his middle, not caring who saw. It seems, in this moment, everything is just right with the world.

"Y'know how much I love this sunset?" Cas spoke quietly, "So much. But I still love you more."

I couldn't hold back a ridiculous smile as I rested my head on his shoulder. "But I'll stay longer than this sunset," he whispered, "I'll stay forever."

I kissed the edge of his collarbone, "I hope so. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Cas rested his head on mine, and we stayed like that, just watching the sun until it fell into the sea; sinking, drowning...


But we knew it'd always come back.

**Well that was fluffier than it needed to be!

Also short sorry. Also sorry for all the time lapses! Do you mind them?

So the picture...a text I sent to my girlfriend. We were crying over KIK because we want her to come over and have a dance party. The songs mentioned were:

"I'm An Albatraoz" by AronChupa
"Dum Diddly" by The Black Eyed Peas
"West End Girls" by Pet Shop Boys
"Africa" by Toto

Not sorry at all.

OH did I mention I have a girlfriend? I do. Should I make the next chapter art a pic of us together or too cheesy?

Haha today is SUNDAY!
This week's #SelfFactSunday is: Making out may come naturally to some of you, but it does not come naturally to me. That's all I'm gonna say.

Song: "Song For Someone" by U2

Yes we've already done this but we're at Chapter 57 and I am running out of songs so bite me.

Sooo almost 34K reads! DANKE GUYS!

Rememememememember, y'all just keep being y'all! ilyasm! x

xoxo, Garnent•.•**

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