Chapter 70 - Every Breaking Wave

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Castiel's POV
February 27, 1969
5:05 p.m.

"Okay, so!" Meg had gathered us all at the beach on a fine February afternoon. "In honour of Dean and Bee's promise-proposal, we are going on a road trip!"

"Can you manage a road trip?" Zeke asked, concerned.

Meg glared at him, "I'm pregnant, not crippled. I'll be fine."

He shrugged and gently pat her baby bump, "Well, sure, but will it?"

"It will be fine," Meg swat him away, "anyhow, road trip. I say California!"

Dean sprung up, "I say yes! Disneyland, Sacramento, ooh! San Francisco! I've always wanted to go to California!"

"Well, the married man picks the plan," Meg shrugged, "California it is. That okay with you, Unicorn?"

I smiled greatly at Dean's excitedness, and didn't need to think twice. "Yeah."

"Then it's settled! Sometime in March, we'll all head to Cali," mom-to-be declared, "Zeke has a nice car we could take, or we could go in Charlie's hippie van. Which'll it be?"

We all yelled at once, but even through the turmoil it was clear Charlie's hippie van was voted by majority. My heart swelled. We're all going somewhere big together! Man, I can't wait!

I prayed to God I'll live long enough to get to be a part of this trip. I wouldn't miss it for anything - Hell, I'd come back from the grave to participate!

"So how's this, Cas? California!" Dean almost squealed, "our lives are going somewhere! What a life, huh?!"

I grinned, "Hmm, yeah. What a life." A life I'll miss, if the dead can feel.

"Guys, guys," Matilda stood up, "what exactly will we do in Cali?"

"Everything!" Dean yelled. "Absolutely everything! Disneyland, touring, restaurants, bistros, bakeries, parks, night clubs, you name it!"

Robin got up and stretched out her back. "Okay, cool beans, but what're we gonna do now? I'm bored as fuck."

"You could always do me, hot stuff."

Robin whipped around with a shriek, almost slapping the beige-haired boy behind her. "Who the fuck are you?!" she swore, gearing up to defend herself if necessary.

"Whoa whoa, cool it," he held two hands up, "I've got a boyfriend. I'm only kidding."

Robin held her defensive position, paying no mind to the disappointed-looking freckled boy behind the joker. "That doesn't answer my question," she growled, "who are you?"

"Jean Kirstein," he laughed, "and you?"

She dropped her defense just slightly, "Robin. How do you know us?"

"Jean?!" Dean yelled from beside me, "and Marco too?! What the fuck are you doing here?!"

"Ha ha!" Jean laughed, passing by Robin and heading toward Dean, "can't I come visit a buddy? How're you?! You left Sioux Falls without notice, so I came to find you myself. Marco's here because he can hardly go a single night without riding this horse."

The freckled kid turned beet red, "J-Jean! Don't talk about that in public!"

Jean howled with laughter, "Aw, fuff! I'm sure these guys sit around campfires with tankards of mead and tell tall tales of their sexual adventures! Am I right guys?!"

"That's...sadly accurate," Ponyboy sighed, "I have to sit and listen because I haven't had any 'adventures' yet..."

"You poor soul," Jean wiped away a fake tear. "Hey! This gives me an idea! How 'bout we go around the circle and confess each of our weirdest sexual exploits?"

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