Chapter 24 - Losing You

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Castiel's POV
May 27, 1968
10:45 a.m.

"Cas, get up you slug! What's wrong with you lately?" Samandriel shook me violently. Doesn't he know not to wake me on Sunday mornings?!

"Nothing," I muttered into my pillow. I felt like I'd be locked out of Heaven for a lie that big.

"Get out of bed! You've already missed church. You never miss church!" Sam kept nagging. I lifted my head and looked at him.

"Look, I haven't been getting much sleep lately. I'm sorry I missed church but I need my hours," I tried to roll over.

"That's what's worrying us," Sam grabbed my shoulder so I wouldn't go back to sleep, "You've been acting so strange lately. You haven't been eating much, sleeping much, doing much...and we never see that Dean guy anymore. What's up?"

"We had a...falling out," I growled, "Just...don't talk about it."

Sam crossed his arms over his chest, "Is that the problem? You and Dean went askew and now you're broken? Just go and apologize. That was never a problem for you in the past."

"But I didn't do anything wrong," I felt dirty with all these lies, "I have nothing to apologize for."

"Then just go talk to him," Sam shrugged, "Things have calmed by now. Go for a friendly chat."

Not happening. I rolled over to face the bend where the slanted ceiling meets the wall. Sam sighed audibly and got off his own bed - where he was standing to talk to me - and left the room quietly. I sighed to myself. I can't go on like this, can I?

May 28, 1968
5:04 p.m.

I got in bed the second I got home and I haven't left since. Dean skipped school today, which I'm happy for. I don't want to see him.

I heard a knock at the door and commotion in the foyer. Should I check it out? Nah. Maybe it's Dean! I doubt it.

Heavy footsteps bound up the stairs, and someone burst in the door. I faced the wall. Go away.

"Hey, stranger!" A deep voice yelled. I whipped around, one thought coursing through my mind like an excited dynamite fuse:

Dean Dean Dean Dean Dean Dean Dean Dean Dean Dean Dean Dean Dean Dean Dean Dean Dean Dean Dean Dean Dean Dean Dean Dean Dean Dean Dean Dean

I huffed in annoyance and rolled my eyes. Really not in the mood for this.

"What do you want, Meghan?" I gruffed. How dare she trick me like that! She's just cruel.

Meg laughed, "I knew you missed him! Anyway, Cassie this is an intervention! You have to stop keeping yourself away from Dean!"

"Why? He doesn't love me. He made that perfectly clear," I glared at her.

"Have you stopped to think that maybe what you're fighting about is really stupid?" Meg shook her head, "You're getting back on your feet and clearly you need a trainer. I'll be your trainer, Meghan: Trainer."

I rolled my eyes, "I don't need a Meghan trainer, I need to be alone."

"Alone with Dean," she waltzed over to Gabriel's record player, pushing a dirty sock off the turntable and pulling a record I couldn't see out of her jacket, "Maybe this'll motivate you."

I watched her curiously as she placed a sleek black record on the turntable and set up the needle, letting it play.

"Shake it up baby now,
Twist and Shout!"

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