Chapter 67 - Die Flügel der Freiheit

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Castiel's POV
February 18, 1969
8:11 p.m.

"Hey lovebug, wake up!"

Dean snorted attractively into his pillow and rolled away from me. "Get up!" I tried again, shaking Dean violently, hoping he'd stop being a lump. No luck.

"Fine," I huffed, "you sleep, I'll go take a shower."

If Dean was a dog his ears would've perked right up when I said that. He stayed "asleep," pulling his pillow closer to his face and groaning a little.

I left the room and entered the bathroom, closing the door and stripping down. I observed the barely-visible scar on my abdomen. If that doesn't go away, I'll stab him back.

I stepped into the shower, not allowing myself enough time in front of the mirror to see what's not to like. I adjusted the temperature until it was warm, running my hands through my hair and enjoying the fact that nobody else will get any hot water. You snooze, you lose.

The bathroom door opened. I peeked past the curtain to see a tired Dean throwing away the only thing he was wearing - boxers - and coming into the shower, unanounced and uninvited.

"Morning, Sleeping Beauty," I teased, roughing up his hair, "why are you stealing my shower? Get your own!"

Dean pushed me back to the wall so he could get under the stream of water, "No, you're gonna take all the hot water. I'm not taking a cold-ass shower in the morning. No thank you."

I sighed and squeezed past him, climbing out of the shower. Well, there goes my relaxing hour-and-a-half, I thought bitterly, toweling off. I walked down the hall and into the bedroom to put on some clothes.

Dean joined me just as I'd finished putting on my Beatles t-shirt and a pair of jeans. He didn't even bother to cover himself with a towel, he just walked around naked. I don't really blame him - if I had what he has, I'd be flaunting it too.

"What're we gonna do today?" I am not hard right now.

"We could take a walk around town," Dean suggested, "I haven't been to Sioux Falls in a while. We could see what's changed."

I nodded, "Sure, let's go."

Dean led me along the roads, and I enjoyed the February sunshine. There weren't many people outside, as it was only 8:29 in the morning.

"Oh my God, we need to check out the park Sam and I used to play at when we were kids!" Dean grabbed my wrist and tugged me toward a small playground on the other side of the road.

I followed obediently, looking around the almost-empty playground area. "I used to push Sam on those swings over there," Dean pointed at the swing set, "and we used to chase each other around the jungle gym. Wow, so many memories!"

I looked around, imagining younger versions of Dean and Sam running around this playground, laughing and, how cute.


We whirled around to see who spoke. A boy with layered sandy-beige hair stood, dumbfounded, next to a taller freckled boy. Dean's lips spread into a wild and surprised smile, "Jean?!"

The boy leapt forward and wrapped Dean in a big bear hug. "God, how long has it been?!" he asked, letting go.

"Few years?" Dean guessed.

"Damn!" Jean held his forehead, "missed you, man. Anyhow, who's this hot piece of ass?" He pointed at me.

Dean put an arm around me, "This babe beside me is called Castiel."

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