Chapter 20 - Super Psycho Love pt. 2

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Castiel's POV
Same Day

Exactly one minute to get to class. Advanced Physics 12, not looking forward to that. I won't be able to pay attention after that fantastic bathroom ordeal.

I rushed in just as the bell rang and took a seat beside Charlie, a girl who's allowed me into her friendship circle. She's really into computer science, and it's freaky how good she is with technology.

"Right on time!" She laughed, "Not that Dr. Ten would care if you were late. Sup, bitch?"

Our physics teacher is named Mr. Tennant, but he insists we call him "Dr. Ten", I suppose because he considers himself a doctor and Ten is short for Tennant.

"Not much," I shrugged, "Just...yeah not much. You?"

"You saw Dean at lunch, didn't you?"

Is she psychic? Charlie knows about my sexuality, and she's gay herself. She also knows about Dean. But am I that obvious?

"Yes," I admitted, "In the abandoned basement bathroom."

She laughed a little, "Knew it. Deets, Cassie, give me the 4-1-1!"

I sighed in defeat, "Just an average blowjob that nearly landed me in a hole in the ground. Nothing special."

"A blowjob almost killed you?" She cocked an eyebrow, "How did you manage that?"

I laughed, realizing how absolutely ridiculous I sounded, "I nearly suffocated by getting a little white build-up in my throat..."

Charlie tried not to laugh too loud to keep off Dr. Ten's radar, "You almost drowned in Dean's discharge?! Wow, that's new! Great job, Cassie!"

I flushed in embarrassment, "Yeah. How 'bout you? Get in anyone's pants lately?"

"Working on a couple dapper gals," she winked, "No luck yet, but I'll die before I let 'em slip away."

"Castiel, Charlie, I know gossip is super fun but my lesson is important for the upcoming test so I suggest you listen," Dr. Ten waved his hands in our direction, "...Now, where were we...?"

Same Day

Gym class, the only official class I have with Dean. The Truman High school gym strip is bright red shorts and white tees. We all match that way, something about "school spirit".

"Okay, ya rugrats!" Our gym teacher, Mrs. Harvelle, blew her whistle sharply, "Winchester, pick your team. Winston, pick yours. We're playing dodgeball."

I groaned. Despite the "no headshots" rule, I always get beaned in the face and end up at the nurse's. What's worse is I'll probably be on Dean's team, meaning we're facing off against Dallas. Dally plays mean.

"Novak," Dean chose me, and I joined beside him. Mrs. Harvelle nodded in approval - she liked him choosing the "less fortunate" to be nice or something. She has no idea.

Dally pointed at Steve, "Randle. C'mere, you!" He grabbed Steve in a headlock and noogied him. I laughed. Good ol' Dally.

"Mathews," Dean motioned Two-Bit over. Dally, Steve, and Two-Bit are the only gang members in our grade. Pony's in ninth, Johnny's in eleventh, Darry graduated, and Soda dropped out. If he hadn't, Soda would be in our grade.

Slowly, the class was divided into two teams. The dodgeballs were lined up on the midline, and everyone had their backs against the far walls. We waited, like cats waiting to pounce.

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