Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I never realized how every choice we make in life impacts our future. What we wear, what we say, what we do. It all influences some aspect of our life. I just wish I realized this sooner. Many people come and go, but he decided to stick around, even it was for just a little while. I don't remember too much about the past, but I remember him. Every detail, every moment. It's still there, hidden in my memory. I even remember the first time he asked me out.

I was a jerk.

"Wanna go to the mall after school?", my friend, Mia asked on our way to Math.

"Sure", I agreed. Checking my stack of books in my arms, I noticed that I had grabbed the wrong one. "Wait, I forgot my textbook. I'll just meet you in class", I told her as I rushed down the hallway back towards my locker.

Grabbing the correct textbook from the locker and then slamming the door shut, I hurried back towards my class. In my hurry, I failed to notice the person walking in my direction until I had bumped into him. All of my materials, as well as his, were scattered all over the floor. I hurried to gather all my books, but the many pairs of feet walking by did not make this task any easier.

Finally, I grabbed everything and stood up. I looked at the person I had collided with, and I did not recognize him. "Sorry. I'm a klutz", he said grinning.

"I'd love to stay and chat, but I'm going to be late to class", I responded dashing into the classroom just as the bell rang. That was a close one. I already had three tardies, and the next one would result in a detention.

My teacher, Mr. Stevens, began to write on the chalkboard. I scanned my pile of books, and realized that after all that, I still didn't have my textbook. I dropped my head and let it fall against my desk. Where could I have left it? Maybe in the hallway?

My thoughts were drowned out by the sound of my teacher beginning the lecture for the day. "Before we begin, we have a student transferring into this class." From my position, I could tell that the entire class could really care less, but they would take any distraction they could from the usual, daily lecture.

"I'm Liam", the student answered. Lifting my head up from the desk, I saw that he was the boy from the hallway.

"There's an empty seat there next to Sophia", Mr. Stevens instructed, directing him towards the vacant desk next to mine.

"Thank you", he said as he took his seat, and Mr. Stevens went right back to teaching. "Funny meeting you here", he whispered to me as soon as he sat down.

"Are you new?", I asked, ignoring his remark.

He nodded. "But I came from a school not too far from here."

"Sorry, but I'm trying to pay attention right now", I stated as I pretended to jot down what was being written on the board, when in reality, I began to doodle in my notebook. Actually, I didn't need to pay attention; I already knew what we were learning.

"That would be pretty hard to do without a book", he pointed out, handing me my textbook. "I accidentally picked it up along with my other books", he explained.

"Thanks", I said opening it up to the right page.

"What's it like here at this school?", he asked.

"You know, usually people just say you're welcome, and then stop talking", I pointed out, and he hushed up. He focused his attention on the board and didn't say another word. I'll admit that was cold, but I'm not a very warm person.

The rest of class, no the rest of the day, was dreary. Finally, when the sweet, life-saving sound of the bell echoed through the classrooms, I was temporarily free of this prison cell.

"Ready?", Mia asked as she approached my locker.

"To leave school? Always."

She laughed at my remark, but her attention focused on something else as she looked up. Following her gaze, I tried to find the source of her attention. "Who's that?", she asked referring to Liam who stood nearby.

"I don't know. I haven't really talked to him", I explained.

"He's kinda cute."

"He's nerdy."

"What happened to the Sophia who used to fall for the sweet, shy guy who always had that smile on his face?", she asked.

"That Sophia is long gone", I replied as we headed towards the door.

"And now you're a cold-stone b--",

"Hey", I cut her off before she could finish the sentence. But before I could think of a reply to her comment she was about to say, I was stopped by a person tapping me on the shoulder. Turning around, I found Liam standing there.

"Where you headed to?", he asked.

"Why do you care?", I replied trying to avoid eye contact. Again, that was a little harsh, but maybe I was still upset over Mia calling me out for being so heartless.

"Just asking." Maybe I was heartless.

"Fine. We're going to the mall." That answer should suffice.

"Ok, well I was wondering if you were free tonight?"

Stopping dead in my tracks, my mouth began to fumble for the right words. Obviously noticing my hesitation, he shifted his stance. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Mia giving me a look that indicated that I should accept his offer, but I really didn't want to be seen with him. "I'm sorry, but I'm busy", I answered. Well, that sounded extremely lame.

"How about tomorrow?", he asked before I could continue walking on.

"Busy", I repeated as I pushed the school doors open.

"How about the day after tomorrow?", he tried once again, following Mia and I outside.

"Still busy", I responded walking in the direction towards my house. Just as I was a out to put my foot on the pavement of the street ahead of me, he stepped in front of me to block my path.

"How about the day after that?"

"You're relentless. Aren't you?", I asked as I repositioned the bag I carried from one shoulder to the other.

"What can I say?", he replied, grinning.

"Nothing. I don't want to go out with you."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't want to be seen with you." Well, that surely wiped the grin off of his face. I need to work on thinking before I speak. "I'm sorry", I murmured before walking past him as Mia followed.

"That was mean", Mia remarked once we had crossed the street.

"He kept pressuring me!", I exclaimed.

"He just likes you."

"Well, that's not my problem."

"Like I said: you're a cold-stone b--"

The glare I shot her gave her warning to not finish her sentence and stop talking.

I felt guilty. I really did. It wouldn't end well, not for me at least; it never does. But as we walked, the image of his hurt face still haunted me.

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