Chapter 14

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Sorry this chapter is short! I just wanted to post another chapter before finals week! Wish me luck this week!

Also, I am dedicating this chapter to @e_loves_louis because she is a great writer, and the one that inspired me to write my first fanfic! So check her stories out if you get a chance!

Again, thank you all for reading my story. I love all of you! Please comment what you think will happen next!!!


Chapter 14

I looked further down the page and saw something else written in his handwriting. It said: PS- I still wish that we could have gone out on a real date.

I reread the note over and over again, still not believing what was written there. I tried to piece together what this meant. So did he still like me? Well, it said right in the book that he was in love with me. Did he really want to date me? He practically asked me out again. So what happens now? I know that he likes me, so I guess the only question left is: Do I like him?

I reread the message one more time. He said that I was one of the best things that ever happened to him, and that's saying something. He liked me, no he loved me. He really loved me...

I didn't have to think about it anymore. I knew the truth, and the truth was that I felt the same way. I wanted to be with him, and he wanted to be with me. This was perfect. Maybe this could actually work out.

I ran into the house and grabbed the telephone. I dialed Liam's house number. No one answered, so I tried again, but it kept going to voicemail. He told me that he was leaving today, but I didn't think he would have left yet. He couldn't have left that early. Right? Anyways, I tried calling one more time, and still no answer. I left a message this time, and then I put the telephone back in the holster.

How else could I reach him? I knew that he didn't have a mobile phone, so how else was I supposed to reach him? I didn't know his parents' number, and he wasn't at his house to answer his house phone. So what am I supposed to do?

Then it hit me. Liam was going to be gone all summer, and I had no way to reach him. And Liam knew this would happen. He knew that I would read his note and that it would be too late. He knew that I would spend all summer thinking about his note and not be able to do anything about it.

This was Liam's revenge.

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